Here is your opportunity to do better.

Sent by MarkC

Republican and Democratic senators negotiating over a legislative proposal to respond to mass shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde, Texas, will hold a Zoom call Tuesday in hopes of reaching a deal on a basic framework by next week.

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), who has been tasked by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to negotiate with Democrats, said the talks have been ongoing on the phone and in person.

The group is focused on a proposal to incentivize states to establish red flag laws to prohibit individuals who are deemed dangerous to themselves or others from possessing fire arms.

The senators are also looking at legislation to expand background checks for firearms sales and transfers.

Bipartisan Senate working group on gun violence will meet Tuesday | The Hill


To all those who have been bashing the NRA, assist on its dismantling and swore they could do a better job, here is your chance to prove it.

We expect daily reports of your achievements.

Get to it.

We are taking a rest on this one and expect you to not only stop this onslaught on our Rights but we want to be able to buy full auto weapons and silencers without the hassle of background checks by Christmas.

[Kicks flip flops off]


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the myth of redemptive violence

Reader WKRO sent me this op ed from the Charlotte Observer by pastor Kate Murphy and I have been trying to digest it without having seizure.

Several weeks ago, in an attempt to be a good spouse, I watched the new Jack Reacher series now streaming on Amazon Prime. Like the movie starring Tom Cruise, the show is based on the wildly popular books by British author Jim Grant, who writes under the pen name Lee Child. The protagonist is an American man named Jack Reacher — he is strong and silent, skilled and smart. He’s handsome, brilliant and loves literature. He’s haunted by the violence he’s seen and the people he’s failed to save. He’s also funny and sensitive and gentle, when he’s not being heroically brutal. The series is incredibly well made, the acting is exceptional, the story is compelling, the violence is horrifying, the end seductively satisfying. I do not recommend it.

I hate how much I liked it.

Seems to me she enjoyed a bit too much and upon reflection, she felt guilty about it because…? Let’s keep reading.

Jack Reacher is the quintessential American hero. You can trust him. He selflessly risks his life to kill dangerous unredeemable people. A decorated former Marine, he is highly skilled and precisely targets his violence.

Wait one minute. Reacher is a retired US Army MP Major. Why do I get the feeling the Lady pastor was more concentrated in the musculature of the actor than the story or the plot?

He only hurts people who deserve it. He is a critical thinker with absolute control over his emotions, he is able to act without malice or bias. He is a white man with a Black best friend. He is humble and detached. He has no agenda other than to do what is right.

And you hate that? I do not track.

He is the archetype of a “good guy with a gun.” He is the myth of redemptive violence.

Sweet Jesus! Now I am having to decide if she even saw the show.  I saw it and there is a lot of eye candy for the ladies, but I also remember about half the violence that Reacher dispenses is without the use of a gun at all.

A myth is any story that explains a cultural phenomenon. The myth of redemptive violence is deeply embedded in Western culture and more American than apple pie. The myth of redemptive violence says that only violence can protect us from violence, so it is necessary that righteous and highly skilled people be permitted to discriminately use violence to protect the vulnerable. All violence is bad — except for the violence that stops violence — that violence is redemptive. That kind of violence is a happy ending.

OK, I had to look up the meaning of redemptive violence and I found this:

The story that the rulers of domination societies told each other and their subordinates is what we today might call the Myth of Redemptive Violence. It enshrines the belief that violence saves, that war brings peace, that might makes right.

So what is the problem with the statement above? Several issues actually. First the phrase the “rulers of domination societies” insinuates only those ugly dictatorial or quasi-dictatorial regimes inflict violence for their purposes (which obviously exonerates what they consider non-domination societies from any culpability when they use violence.)  Next is Violence does indeed save lives, but for them they only see violence as a tool to support evil, not fight it. This is very common in people that have not truly been victims of violence and paid the price for not being able to return it.

War is violence write very large. We can wage war against an innocent country or wage war against the attacker us doing some ethnic cleansing in a territory it wishes to occupy or simply does not like the people there. That this op-ed came out just a couple of days before Memorial Day when we commemorate those who fell in the name of our Country and the Freedom it stands for by accusing them the Peace they bought with their lives was wrong is simply a demonstration of purposeful ignorance.

And then, of course, she twists the conversation into Gun Control and loses the argument.

If you believe in the myth of redemptive violence, the answer is always more guns — because only violence is powerful enough to stop violence. The world is so dangerous and evil that only someone like Jack Reacher can save us, so we can’t take his weapons away from him. The myth of redemptive violence says our only hope is more good guys with guns, more Jack Reachers.

Lessons on gun violence from Jack Reacher, my Christian faith | Charlotte Observer

After all the high-moral spiel, she only confines those evil sentiments to “gun violence.” Again, Reacher keeps beating the living hell out and killing people in the show with his hands and other weapons and that is OK, but the moment he uses a gun, the morality of killing and use of violence flips into the negative field. Of course, the dead do not know the difference.

To summarize Pastor Murphy’s position, if you strangle a kid, bash somebody over the head with a hammer, stab your significant other or poison a family is not even closely as bad as if you put a slug in somebody’s leg for trying to kill you. That is some seriously sick way to see Evil.

But that is Pacifism and Pacifist for you: Talk a good game and do shit to stop Evil.

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Fidel’s bastard demonstrates why the Bill of Rights (and the Second Amendment more specifically) is so important


Because of your nation doesn’t have have a Bill of Rights, the government can do whatever the fuck it wants to you and take away whatever it wants to take away from you and you can’t do fuck-all about it.

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The impending fall f*ckening

Looming Price Hikes on Food Set to Hit Americans This Fall

As weary as Americans have become from paying record high gas and grocery prices, however, another round of price hikes is making its way through the food supply chain and is expected to reach consumers this fall.

“People don’t realize what’s fixing to hit them,” said Texas farmer Lynn “Bugsy” Allen. “They think it’s tough right now, you give it until October. Food prices are going to double.”

The 8.8 percent increase in food prices that Americans have already seen does not take into account the dramatic cost increases that farmers are now experiencing. This is because farmers pay their costs upfront and only recoup them at the point of sale, months later.

“Usually, what we see on the farm, the consumer doesn’t see for another 18 months,” said John Chester, a Tennessee farmer of corn, wheat, and soybeans. But with the severity of these cost increases, consumers could feel the effects much sooner, particularly if weather becomes a factor.

Chester said that fuel and fertilizer together make up 55 percent of his total costs. The price of diesel fuel has more than doubled, from $2.50 per gallon at the end of 2020 to more than $5 per gallon today. Farmers say the cost of fertilizer, an oil derivative, has tripled and in some cases quadrupled.

“When you look at the machinery that uses diesel, it’s farm equipment, it’s railroads, and it’s truckers,” said Daniel Turner, Executive Director of Power the Future, an energy advocacy group. Diesel “moves all of our goods, it grows our food. From cargo ships arriving from overseas to trucks or trains getting those goods across the country. All those things now have added costs that will get sent to the consumer.”

And all of that is going to slam into us at harvest time when farmers put this year’s harvest on the market.

It’s truly difficult for normal people to fathom this but the government wanted to coerce you into buying an electric car so badly that they doubled the price of food for everyone.

In the United States of America, we will experience a food crisis that was purposeful created by our government.

That is utterly Soviet in nature and it happened here to support green energy initiatives.

It’s going to get bad.

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This is not where the 2A argument falls apart, I’ll take a Carl Gustaf please

I saw this thread:


I’ve addressed in other posts why the “your AR-15 vs our tank so the 2A isn’t valid against government tyranny” is wrong.

But this thread is particularly stupid circular logic.

You can’t defend yourself against tyranny because you can’t have a rocket launchers because rocket launchers are bad so you shouldn’t have an AR.

I’m going to go the other way on this.

Remember when the government of Venezuela caused a famine with its bad fiscal policy and when people protested the government ran them over with armored personnel carriers.


That right there is why it should be legal to own anti-tank rocket launchers.

(Arguably, if you could afford one, a rocket launcher is legal as an NFA item.)

Given the current administration’s bad fiscal policy resulting in food shortages…

Rather than this being an argument against the AR-15, it’s an argument to let citizens buy antitank weapons.

I’ll take an M4 Carl Gustaf please.


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