Because they never waste a crisis, and it is your duty to mock them.

You know by now Beto (Fake Hispanic) O’Rourke’s attempt to hijack the press conference for his political campaign and being told he was a son of a bitch by the Mayor of Uvalde. But we have another idiocy in the twitterverse that is simply outstanding, and it comes from somebody who usually does not do stupid moves.

I guess he needed some spotlight. Egomaniacs have that issue. I believe it is killing him that he is not the center of adoration anymore and he needs to get back to be revered by the “masses” (read Media.)

So, let’s just commemorate George Floyd our way:

And it is accurate too!

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So Beto’s performance was staged for impact

A choreographed tap-dance in the blood of the massacred Children of Uvalde. Texans seriously need to kick that sick fucker all the way to the California border.

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I forgot it was a holy day in the Leftists calendar


It is Saint George Floyd of the Blessed Counterfeit Twenty day.  The day he was martyred and for which he was beatified.

Let us pause in our mourning of the children of Uvalde to take a knee and recite the holy words “I can’t breathe.”


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Uvalde might be Parkland 2.0

From The Daily Mail:

‘There was at least 40 lawmen armed to the teeth, but didn’t do a darn thing till it was far too late’: Furious father of Texas elementary school shooting victim, 10, slams the police for failing to take down gunman until 90 MINUTES after massacre began

The father of a 10-year-old girl murdered in her Texas classroom on Tuesday has demanded to know why the gunman was able to rampage through the school for 90 minutes until he was shot dead, as it emerged that onlookers urged the police to enter the building – but they did not.

The first 911 call was received 90 minutes earlier, at 11:30am, saying a man had emerged from a crashed vehicle with a long rifle and a backpack.

‘There was at least 40 lawmen armed to the teeth but didn’t do a darn thing until it was far too late,’ Cazares told ABC News.

One woman was yelling at the police outside the school, said Juan Carranza, 24, who lives opposite.

He said she was screaming: ‘Go in there! Go in there!’

Carranza said the officers did not go in.

Ramos on Tuesday first shot his 66-year-old grandmother Cecilia Gonzalez in the face, leaving her severely injured, before stealing her pickup truck and driving towards the school.

Unable to drive, he crashed into a ditch and then ran to the school on foot, where he was met by an armed security guard.

Yet he was still able to enter the school and kill 21 people – and was not stopped until around 1pm, when a Border Patrol agent backed up by a tactical team shot him dead.

This is the timeline of events as reported by the news:

11:32am: A mass casualty incident – later discovered to be the shooting – takes place at Robb Elementary School. The school reports it is locked down because of ‘gunshots in the area.’

12.17pm: The school posts a message on social media writing: ‘There is an active shooter at Robb Elementary.’

12.38pm: A reunification site is set up at the Willie DeLeon Civic Center.

1.06pm: The Uvalde Police Department reports the suspect is ‘in police custody.’

This is a first report and we do not know how long the shooter was dead before the police report was sent out.

But if this is true we are looking at a Parkland 2.0 situation where lives were lost because a timely response did not occur.

The one thing we know about active shooters is that once they start the response needs to be instant.  Get in there and fire as much ammo at the shooter as possible as quickly as possible until he’s dead.

I’m also curious why the school’s armed security was ineffective.

We need more information before we can really start casting judgment but from this initial report that a lot of failures occurred that allowed this to happen.

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This bullshit argument again?


Let me be perfectly blunt.

Do these people think Americans are stupid?

Do they think we’ll fight fair and shoot at their tanks and airplanes with our AR-15s while they mow us down?

I guess they must.

I promise you that won’t happen.

I will tell you what will happen.

The families of every military officer and bureaucrat who orders or flies a sortie will be on the menu.

Reprisals will be personal and cruel.

What do you think the morale will be for fighter pilot Bob when 24 hours prior fighter pilot Steve got done bombing some guy’s house in Iowa to find out his wife and kids were burned alive when his house was set on fire in retaliation?

Why shoot at a plane when you can shoot the airmen guarding the refueling depot, maintenance warehouse, or ordnance warehouse and burn or steal the fuel and sabotage or steal the replacement parts and weapons?

Same for the Tanks.

Remember that our strategy during WWII and the Cold War was to go through the front wave of tanks and kill the soft targets of refueling units and ammo supply lines.

Planes and tanks without fuel, ammo, spare parts, and willing drivers or pilots are just paperweights.

Do they not think we won’t adopt the same tactics?

They have never fought an insurgency war when the insurgents are their neighbors.

If you needed a reason not to fight America civilians with the US military, it’s not because we’ll be shooting at their tanks with our ARs.

It’s because they don’t have the ability to protect their military infrastructure and all the family members of the people on their side willing to fight or support their war efforts against American citizens.

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