There might be hope for Remington if they choose to fight it

I read Miguel’s post:

Dear Remington: You can never satisfy them by conceding. Prepared to be reamed again.

And he very well may be right.

My comment to his post was: Remington paid the Dane geld, now they will never get rid of the Dane.

But then I remembered Gendron wrote about the Bushmaster in his Manifesto.

Here is some selected text on the subject:


I’m still taking the shooter’s manifesto at face value.

The shooter makes it crystal clear that he selected a pre-Remington Bushmaster rifle, and how much he hates Remington/Freedom Group Bushmaster rifles and thinks they are shit-tier rifles.

He said he chose the worse rifle for the job and it was the “cucked” version that was ban-compliant.

He also acknowledged that his selection was specifically to bait the media.

The Sandy Hook lawsuit was a travesty of justice.

To get around the PLCAA, the suit went after Bushmaster’s advertising.

They argued that Bushmaster advertised its rifle in such a way as to encourage killing with the tactical “assaultive” character of the rifle.

Considering that Lanza did not buy his rifle, but stole it from his mother after murdering her, the entirety of the argument was fallacious.

I am not a lawyer, so this this just my opinion, but:

Rem Arms/Bushmaster that exists today is two companies removed from the Bushmaster that made the rifle used by Gendron.

Gendron was explicit in not selecting a Remington/Rem Arms Bushmaster because of how bad they were.

He explicitly stated that he hated that he bought a “cucked” ban complaint rifle and had to modify it illegally to be acceptable.

So if Josh Kosoff tries and piggybacks this lawsuit on his Sandy Hook lawsuit, which is why he was consulted, I think Remington/Rem Arms has argument they their rifle was specifically not selected because the shooter hated it for its less than adequate performance, negating the entire argument made against Bushmaster in the Sandy Hook suit.

I also think that Bushmaster might have a counter suit potential against the media.  The argument being that the media’s vilification of Bushmaster has turned their brand into something akin to an attractive nuisance.  That people with ill intent will seek out Bushmaster rifles and do harm with them to bait the media.

It’s like the streakers at professional sports games. When the cameras followed the streakers and the commentators talked about them they would have more streakers.

Then sports networks changed and cut to commercial as soon as a streaker took the field and never talked about them, it stopped.

The incessant coverage of mass shooters and the model and/or brand that they used creates the same phenomenon.  Bad people will model their actions to maximize media coverage.

The media is more liable for this than the gun makers are.

Now I know the comments in this post are going to be full of “everything you say is irrelevant because New York is just as Leftist as Connecticut and the doesn’t matter anymore because the Left will bend and break every law they can to accomplish their goals.”

And cynical me agrees with but, but I have to hold out some hope that the law will prevail.

We’ll have to see how this goes but the shooter’s own manifesto should be enough to automatically dismiss any lawsuit against Remington/Rem Arms if they choose to fight it.

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Lessons in Animal behavior

“I don’t think I will ever be able to live up to how amazing and loyal she is to me,” Erin Wilson told the Sacramento Bee on Tuesday.

Wilson, 24, lives in rural Trinity County, about four hours northwest of Sacramento. On Monday, she drove to the Trinity River near unincorporated Big Bar to take an afternoon stroll with Eva, her 2 1/2-year-old Belgian Malinois.

California woman says dog defended her from mountain lion – ABC News (

Lesson one: If you look like cat food, you will be dinner. Unfortunately, we never know what predators of the four-legged species feel like having for supper. BE READY! BE ARMED! Yes, it California and she probably can’t get a gun, but use other weapons. Even a frigging walking stick is better than good wishes.

Lesson two: Belgian Malinois are awesome. We had two back in Venezuela. One was 100% police stock and the other was 50% Belgian Malinois and 50% Killdozer because he was HUGE for the breed. Mean assholes both of them when it came to strangers and invaders, but total puppies when it came to loved ones. Belgian Killdozer weighed more than the missus or my mom, but it became a huge teddy bear when he was around them. I was more of a chewtoy/plaything at fun times.   They are smart and very obedient and understand their place in the pack.

Stay frosty whenever you go into the wilds, carry something and having a good fierce companion is not a bad idea either.

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Dear Remington: You can never satisfy them by conceding. Prepared to be reamed again.

The family of 53-year-old Andre Mackneil, who was gunned down in a Buffalo, New York, supermarket after purchasing his 3-year-old son’s birthday cake, may go after a major gun manufacturer.

Mackneil’s daughters, Leandra Elliott and Deja Brown, have many questions regarding the suspect.

“We’re so confused. It’s like how did he get this weapon?” Brown told CBS News.

The sisters said they also blame the gun manufacturer. They have retained Buffalo attorneys John Elmore and Kristen Elmore-Garcia, who are investigating potential claims against Remington which, until 2020, produced the Bushmaster rifle allegedly used in the massacre.

“I reached out to the lawyer in Connecticut, Josh Koskoff, who had the only successful lawsuit against a gun manufacturer of an AR-15. He said that he would be willing to help,” Elmore told CBS News.

Elmore said they could go after Remington, if its Bushmaster was used, because “it is designed for the military, it is designed for war.”

Family of Buffalo shooting victim may sue major gun manufacturer Remington – CBS News

We knew it was bound to happen. Somebody smells another big pay off and some people believe nothing says “I wanna memorialize my Daddy’s memory” better than a lawsuit raking millions up so they can get some “well deserved” rich people shit.

Hat Tip MarkC

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A good inexpensive gun can be found after all.

Reader Jon K sent me this last week, but my brain went stupid and I absolutely forgot to share with everybody. My apologies.

I will also confess that I have not but cursory checked them out and look legit, so I cannot vouch if they are good all the time or they behave like the online retailer of old we all came to hate for not being reliable. Caveat Emptor.

I am going to quote Jon straight from his email since he made more sense than me could at this early hour.

Heres a PROVEN gun easily concealable with a range bag and med kit for a good price. Anyone can take this setup and some ammo and TRAIN. Training to avoid, deescalate and deter a fight is better than anything else.  
This is at Big Daddy Unlimited.
99 cent first month then cancel, not a fan of BDU but a good deal is a good deal.
$321 for a good piece of kit. 
$520 for an optics ready higher cap version and a black backpack for those lacking eyesight. 
SW may mark everything to 500 msrp but bundles like these are top notch for a starter kit. 
Please forward to anyone you know needing an affordable gun or kit RTFN. 


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Water, Water, Everywhere and Not A Drop to Drink?

The sailor slumped in his life raft, surrounded by the deep blue sea. He was slowly dying, because even though there was water as far as the eye could see, none of it was potable.

You can go about three days without water before there are serious health issues. On the other hand, going without water for even a few hours can have a tremendous impact.

In order to study the effects of different water consumption models on soldiers, the Aberdeen Proving Grounds (Maryland) performed a number of experiments with different drinking models.

  • Keep your canteen full, drink only when ordered, conserve water.
  • Drink when you wanted
  • Drink at rest times
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

They then had groups of soldiers march 20 miles with full load out and then deploy for battle. They evaluated the combat readiness of the troops at the end of the march.

The WWII method of either having a full or empty canteen with water conservation being a primary concern left the troops combat ineffective for over a full day.

The drink when the soldier wanted left the troops combat ineffective for a bit more than a full day. Less than the conserve mode but still requiring a significant recovery time.

Having the soldiers drink every time there was a rest stop worked better. They were only combat ineffective for around 8 hours.

For the “hydrate, hydrate, hydrate” method, the troops reached the end of the march, deployed, and were combat effective.

You don’t notice it but even small amounts of dehydration have a noticeable effect on performance.

Make sure you have enough water to keep going.

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