A project gun and ammo I want to build

Gun: Glock 20 with an aftermarket slide for a 5 inch barrel, chambered in 9mm Dillon.

Ammo: 9mm Dillon loaded with custom turned reverse ogive bullets (see below for profile) made from 99.9% C110 H04 full hard tough pitch copper, bullet weight of 90 grains, velocity of 2,000 fps.



I’m basing it on the old French THV bullet but a little heavier.  I won’t have the base hollowed out.

The problem with the THV is that many of the pistols of the day didn’t feed it well.

But a Glock feeds straight in and necked pistol cartridges generally feed off the neck and shoulder, so reliability should be much better.

The French ballistic tests showed devastating wound channels with the reverse ogive design.  It’s the principle by which the Lehigh Xtreme Defense bullets work, except better.  The Xtreme Defense bullet uses the reverse ogive of the THV in the flutes but has the outer profile to enhance feeding reliability.

By ATF regulation should be 100% completely legal.

Infer the purpose at your leisure.

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This much stupid coming out of Texas?

On Wednesday’s broadcast of C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal,” Rep. Sylvia Garcia (D-TX) argued that handguns “are not for hunting. They’re not for protection. I think handguns are, frankly, for killing people. We need to do something about making sure that bad guys don’t get their hands on handguns.”

Dem Rep. Sylvia Garcia: Handguns Are ‘For Killing People’ and Not Protection or Hunting (breitbart.com)

What was she being interviewed about? The Buffalo Mass Killing in where the asshole Payton S. Gendron used an AR 15.

How she got to handguns is beyond me unless she simply cannot differentiate between an AR and a pistol which would not surprise me.

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When you do stupid and the double down on stupid.

Road rage in Florida. Guy pulls a knife and uses deadly force (badly). Intended victim pulls out a gun and Rager suddenly decides it is time to retreat but does not do it smartly: He calls the 911 and say he was attacked.
Not smart when there is video being recorded.

And I agree with mny of the people commenting on this video at different locations: Dumb ass was lucky he did not get shot.

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