And I believe voters too.

In a new report from Newsweek, an audit conducted by software company SparkToro found that nearly half of President Joe Biden’s Twitter followers, which is currently at 22.2 million, are fake accounts. Notably, the software company found that 49.3% of accounts following Biden’s “@POTUS” Twitter account were “fake followers”. SparkToro defines a “fake follower” as “accounts that are unreachable and will not see the account’s tweets (either because they’re spam, bots, propaganda, etc. or because they’re no longer active on Twitter).”

Twitter followers have been audited and the results seem fake

Would you be shocked if you found out the Dems or another Liberal proxy with deep pockets is shelling millions to Twitter Farms?

It was easy to do with ballots and would only have taken a bit more effort and cash to do it this way.

The country is being screwed to death by an evil version of Sesame Street: Puppets up front, handlers underneath it all.


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Gym Fauna

I understand why gyms make money: They get somebody like this to pay for membership, come a couple of times, do shit like this, get bored and do not come back. And they will probably forget they made a lump advance payment that could be refunded.

About 5 minutes doing the top exercise and 5 seconds for the bottom exercise. Somehow, I don’t think he was taking it seriously.
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Precisely what we need in times like this.

We are being invaded through our Southern Border, gas prices have been artificially raised, inflation is eating away at our savings, food is becoming scarce, and we are starting to have babies with malnutrition because we cannot manufacture formula.

In moments where bread is lacking, the clowns must come out and do their show.

This is why people believe more in the hygiene of a meth hooker’s vagina than the relevance of the US Congress.

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The Jewish community needs to have a hard purge

Yes, we do.

This horrified me.


These people are disgusting, grooming, perverts who make society a worse place.

But they both identify as Jewish.

This is what visible Jews are like now in the United States: woke perverts and groomers.

I can’t tell you how many times I see on social media some grotesquery of a human being while some long list of alternative pronouns and sexual identities in their profile, followed by the purple Star of David emoji.

I know that the Jewish community tends liberal but it’s gone off the fucking deep end.   These are the people that God struck down with fire and brimstone at Sodom and Gomorrah.

We are supposed to be an exemplar of how God wants us to live and all I see are perverts, freaks, as degenerates.

We need a purge of these people from our community.  This situation is untenable.

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Like a fly to a fresh turd

Buffalo attack is ‘act of domestic terrorism’ along lines of Okla. City, Columbine: Crump

The Buffalo massacre was an “act of domestic terrorism” along the lines of the Oklahoma City bombing, the Columbine shooting and the Parkland slaughter, civil rights lawyer Benjamin Crump said Monday.

Crump joined grieving relatives of beloved 86-year-old matriarch Ruth Whitfield — one of 10 people allegedly killed by a white supremacist at a supermarket — in a church in Buffalo to decry Saturday’s race-fueled horror.

“We can’t sugar-coat it, we can’t try to explain it away, talking about mental illness. No, this was an act of domestic terrorism,’’ Crump said. “And just like America responds to terrorism, America needs to respond to this act of bigotry, racism and hate as a terrorist act.”

“This was a terrorist act — it is no less a terrorist act because it was a black grocery store,’’ Crump said at the emotional press conference.

“This was a domestic terrorist act, just like they did in [the] Oklahoma City bombing and all the other terrorist acts like Columbine and Parkland.

“The people who curate the hate, the people who inspire the hate on websites, and internet services and cable news stations,” Crump said. “Those people who radicalize these young people to go out and orchestrate heinous acts of violence, heinous acts of hate — we have to get to the root of the hate.

“They loaded the gun, and we have to hold them accountable, too,” Crump said.

I won’t deny that this was a domestic terrorist act, but there was a manhunt after Oklahoma City.  Police caught the shooter in this case.  He’s been arrested.

I was going to ask: “why us Ben Crump involved in this?”

When I first read the headline I wasn’t sure how he was going to grift and make money off of it.

Crump is like Al Sharpton with a JD.  He’s in this for the money and the fame.  He uses other black people’s pain to line his pockets and get on TV.

Now I suspect he’s going to use the narrative that Tucker Carlson and Fox News inspired the shooting to try and sue them.

I don’t know how successful he’ll be, I’m still trying to figure out the angle on how he can profit from this.

What I can guarantee is that with Ben Crump involved, this shitshow will get worse.

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