Aim low

I saw this online about the Buffalo mass shooting.


The attacker’s body armor defeated the retired police officer turned security guard’s handgun rounds.

Body armor is becoming more prevalent and almost all of it will defeat common handgun ammo.

Body armor snobs may sneer at AR-500 plates, but for less than $200 anyone can outfit themselves with armor that will block virtually 100% of the types of rounds that people who carry concealed carry.  You may not have the ability to run out to your car and grab your AR loaded with green tip, you have to fight with that you have on you.

Body armor is intended to protect the vital organs: heart, lungs, aorta, liver, spleen.

Those are the ones that if get hit, you die fast.

The liver and spleen are big blood sponges, a liver or spleen hit is massive internal blood loss.

There is no free lunch, the more armor covers the more it weighs and the less mobile the wearer becomes.

This is a good diagram of what armor covers:


This is for a plate but soft armor panels are generally the same.  They may be bigger but don’t protect within two inches of the edge.

Now let me introduce you to the pelvic girdle:


That is a lot of major nerves and big arteries in a major load bearing structure of the lower body.

Shatter the pelvis and you will totally immobilize the victim.

Hit any of those nerves and you cause paralysis of at least one leg.

Hit any of those arteries and bleeding out is under a minute.

Forget the infamous Mozambique Drill.

Head shots are hard and this asshole was wearing a helmet anyway.

If your enemy is wearing body armor, your job is to put as many rounds as you can between the top of his dick and bottom of his belly button.

Aim for his belt buckle.

Internally, you are trying to hit the bottom of the abdominal aorta, iliac artery, lumbar spine, and sacrum.

It may not be as instant a kill as a heart shot, but I guarantee you will plant that fucker right there and severely interrupt his ability to continue his rampage.

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Oh f*ck, we’re about to get hammered

I just saw the news.  There was a mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, that hits every Leftist talking point perfectly.


Here are the facts we know so far.

The shooter used an AR-15 pattern rifle.  He was wearing body armor and an helmet decorated with neo-Nazi symbols.  He left a 180 page white supremacist, racist, and antisemitic manifesto explaining his justification.  He shot 13 people, killing 10, 11 of his victims were black.  Despite a history of trouble, he purchased his guns and armor legally.

Tucker Carlson and AR-15 are both trending topics on social media as people rush to blame guns, Fox News, Tucker, the GOP, Trump, and the NRA for this shooting.

The fact is Hollywood writers couldn’t make up a more perfect scenario for a TV political drama if they tried.

If this was the opening of an episode of Law & Order you’d roll your eyes at it.

I’m in no way trying to diminish the enormity of this horrendous attack.

But this is so perfect to the Left’s narrative that they are going to use it to bludgeon the fuck out of us before the midterms.

I guarantee they will push gun control.

They will probably send the new DHS Minister of Truth after Fox and other conservative news outlets.

More domestic spying programs.

Probably laws against civilian body armor.

They will not let this crisis go to waste.

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Textbook grooming in the medical profession


This surgeon looks like a caricature of what a woke non-binary doctor would look, except he is real and sincere.

This is a member of the “destroy sex and gender” cult who is committing surgical mutilation on children to fully bring them into the cult.

Under no circumstances is performing radical double mastectomy on a physically healthy teenager remotely good medicine.

First do no harm.

This is the ultimate harm.

This needs to be criminalized to the highest degree.

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You voted for them

They swore up and down that if you let them pass the laws they wanted, you’d be safe.

You were not.

So, they asked you to re-elect them so they could pass more laws that this time would surely keep you safe.

Once again, you were not safe.

Now they are trying to blame me so you can once again vote for them with the solemn oath that if they control me, you will be safe.

Care to bet how is that going to end?

Stop voting for the assholes and realize once and for all you are on your own.

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Seeking death by stupid snobbism.

These are people that buy guns more for collecting cool shit rather than tools to be used and collected. Like the other individual said, if you need a gun RTFN and have a shitty budget, a Hi Point or anything that manages to go bang will fit the bill.

The idea is to survive, not to model the latest cool gun from the summer collection of Boutique Gun Store.

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Very important weapon seizure by NYPD

At first, I was “where is the gun?” Only after careful and augmented research, I was able to find it: A Deringer with one cartridge, the stuff of mass shootings everywhere.

Notice how they needed a background to contrast the gun from the surface of the table. Otherwise, nobody could see the mouse gun.

Don’t you feel safer now?


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