This is the bullsh*t that makes me dislike veterans


Senator Duckworth, fuck you.

The bill she is supporting here is very liberal in allowing abortion as well as bring filled with a lot of Leftist gobbledygook about reproductive justice and how the US is so terrible to BIPOC and LGBT women.

Rather than laugh into the merits of the bill with an understanding that the vast majority of Americans support some restrictions on abortion (the old “safe, legal, and rare”), she browbeats people with “as a veteran.”

Her veteran status has fuck all nothing to do with if it’s appropriate for a woman to be able to kill her unborn child.

What does she expect me to do?  Look at her and say “oh yes, absolutely, you served this country so I’m going to obsequiously defer to your superiority because I’m an unworthy civilian.”


“As a veteran” has come to mean absolutely nothing to me except as another identity that some people believe gives them special privileges.

Congratulations, the veteran card, like the race card, is overdrawn and I don’t give a shit about it anymore.

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This is what happens when you cater to the crazies – Update

And dear people, if it does not come out of the nipple of a mammal*, it ain’t milk, it is some sort of juice processed with all kinds of chemicals to make it taste like milk.


(*platypus included in Mammalia)



Here is a relevant article from the NY Post:

Plant-based milk may be double the price but people are drinking it up

The plant-based market’s biggest drivers, almond milk and soy milk, cost almost double at $4.29 a half-gallon (64-ounces) each, compared to $2.17 for regular dairy milk, according to a price check by FreshDirect. The price tag on oat milk is almost 2.5 times the cost of dairy milk, at $5.29 a half-gallon.

This article is from 2019, but a quick online search shows that while the prices have changed, the ratios have stated the same.

So anyone with a modicum of understanding of business should get why requesting almond, soy, or oat mik would come with an surcharge, the cost of the ingredient is higher.

But that fact is relevant to activist idiots like Cromwell.

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Your reminder of “One Punch” damage.

On Easter Sunday, a former fellow student paid a teen $20 to punch Kelsey, according to investigators, fracturing his neck and crushing nearly every bone in his face.

“He has four titanium plates in his head and face,” Christi went on explaining a long list of serious injuries her son endured from the punches.

The brutal beating was recorded by another fellow student. In the recording, you can hear laughing as Kelsey falls to the ground. Not only scarring Kelsey physically but emotionally.

“It’s violent and evil and there has to be consequences.”

Brandison Dru Daniel, 20, who police say paid the teen to punch Kelsey, faces conspiracy to commit aggravated assault and criminal responsibility for facilitation of a felony charges out of Wayne County. The juvenile is in juvenile detention.

A detention hearing is being held Wednesday for the juvenile. District Attorney General Brent Copper tells News 2 he is considering filing a motion to have the teen moved to adult court.

Family leans on prayer after Collinwood teen punched for $20 (

I am not holding my breath and expect the culprits will serve nothing else than a misdemeanor charge at the end if they plea guilty.


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It’s going to be bad


The patterns are there.  People are pointing them out.

We’re in a bubble that is about to burst.

Now is the time to clear your plate of debt and batten down the hatches.


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Evil DeSantis is torturing Floridians with high gas costs.

Nikki “brain” Fried is at it again.

And pray tell how much are Floridians paying in State gas taxes?

A whooping $0.24 cents (rounding up).  And I don’t know in Florida, but here in Tennessee, I saw the price jump overnight 2 days ago by 29 cents.

I am not sure the Governor could override the tax, but even if he could, the price of the frigging gas in Florida would still be over $4.00, you dumb pothead!

Oh yes, please remind me what was the price of gas under Orange Man Mean Tweets?

She needs to stop smoking her pot prescription.



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Peloton is taking it in the financial jewels.

New York (CNN Business)Peloton’s turnaround plan can’t happen fast enough: The at-home fitness company continues to lose money — and it’s quickly running out of cash.
The once-hot company reported a dismal quarterly financial report Tuesday, with sales tumbling 15% from a year ago. Peloton lost $757 million last quarter.
Peloton (PTON) said it had just $879 million in cash in the bank at the end of the quarter, which has left it “thinly capitalized,” CEO Barry McCarthy said. That forced the company to borrow a significant amount of money from Wall Street to keep its operations running.
As people return to gyms, Peloton has been struggling to maintain its electric growth from the early days of the pandemic. Bike and subscription sales have stagnated. The company has too much inventory, and demand is on the decline.

Peloton is burning through cash and borrowing from Wall Street to stay afloat – CNN

I never liked Peloton. To me it has always been way overpriced, way snobbish and then they started to lock down your machine unless you forcibly paid an extra “safety for the children” fee. The Peloton bike, the standard bearer of the company is on sale for measly $1,195 dropped from $1,495. The full privilege membership at Planet Fitness which allows you to use all the machines anywhere in the world plus spa, sauna and all the crap they have is $700 a year. Or if you are cheap like me and just go for the Basic Fully Paid, you spend $158 the first year and then drop to $79 per year, that comes to a bit over $10 a month the first year and then $6.60 after that and you get to use all the damn equipment 24 hours a day at your local PF.

The expenditure of one Peloton bike equals a 14 year Basic subscription to Planet Fitness and all its machines.

Does not make sense a whole lot, does it?

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One thing on the topic of formula

I’ve seen several Right Wingers make comments on regards to the formula shortage along the line of “women should just breastfeed more.”  Usually accompanied with some chastisement how mothers who use formula are lazy or don’t want to be inconvenienced by breastfeeding.

I invite anyone with that opinion to promptly go fuck themselves.

Our firstborn was a big baby, over 10 lbs.  He was above the 99th percentile in length and weight.

My wife wore herself out breastfeeding but he was so big he was always hungry.  We had to use formula to supplement.

It was emotionally and physically draining on both of us watching her do every right but still not be able to keep up with his demand.

So this opinion is just some bullshit that I have no desire to tolerate.

And as a matter of historical precedent, prior to the industrial revolution and the development of infant formula, infant mortality was at roughly 50%.  Many of those cases was from malnourishment.  Formula saved more children’s lives than vaccines.

“Just breastfeed more” used to mean that half of all children died before they were old enough to walk.

The formula shortage is a serious crisis.

If you’re going to use it to attack mothers who need formula… I’ve never hit a woman but I’ll pin her arms back and let a mother who is struggling to produce take a few good swings.

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