Cato Institute is officially a Liberal Unthink Tank.

The first White House Press secretary came to be in the year 1929 under the presidency of Herbert Hoover. It took me seconds to Google the information. And this is the Cato Institute we are talking about, they used to be a Libertarian organization that would not be sway by politics but by the facts. Now they followed teh example of the Libertarian Party and have become a echo chamber for the Liberal Democrats.

I stand on the Unincorporated Libertarian tag. Nobody with a modicum of selfrespect should have his/her name associated with Cato or the Libertarian party.

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I will not live in a pod!

A California startup is offering cocoon-like pods to allow 14 residents to share a single house as an escape from soaring rents and real estate prices

Brownstone Shared Housing has two locations: the first is just minutes away from Stanford University in Palo Alto and houses 14, while the second sleeps 6 in central Bakersfield.

“We started with how can we house as many people as possible in an existing space in a way that preserves dignity and comfort and privacy,” CEO James Stallworth, who co-founded the self-financed Brownstone with Christina Lennox, said in an interview with Insider.

Both houses are fully furnished with shared co-working and living spaces, along with two bathrooms and a shared kitchen.

What makes the concept different is the “fully equipped” sleeping pods that the company says are 40% larger than a traditional bunk bed.

At $800 per month, which includes utilities, the cost of a pod is less than half the rent of a studio apartment in Palo Alto. Meanwhile, the median sale price topped $4 million in March for single-family homes, according to Redfin.

This feels like a joke from Demolition Man.

You cannot preserve dignity, comfort, and privacy when you charge $800 per month to share a house with 14 people and only have a box that is 40% larger than a bunk bed to yourself.

The old California dream was to buy a house.  California once had the highest middle-class quality of life of any state.

Today, the California dream is affording your own pod rental.

This is an obscenity.

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Paramount+ is killing Picard with Wokeness

I am a Star Trek fan.

I will acknowledge that Star Trek was always a bit on the left, but it was Liberal left.  A utopian world where infinite resources eliminated scarcity and a desire to accumulate wealth, so people were free to follow their passions and discover new things for the sake of discovery, not profit.

Star Trek was an aspirational future.

The wife and I watched the first season of Star Trek: Picard and like it.

Season Two is a woke shit-show.

One character, Captain Rios, is awesome.  He’s played by a Chilean actor.

They go back to Los Angeles in 2024, which doesn’t look any different from LA in 2022.

Rios is arrested by ICE who raid a “we don’t ask questions or need to see your papers” clinic run by another Hispanic woman.

ICE are all white guys who don’t speak Spanish and torture scared and timid Hispanics.  Suspected illegals are put on a bus and “disappeared” without trial in less than 24 hours after being arrested, never to be heard of again.  The dialog is peppered with commentary about how evil this is.

Later on, Picard runs into a young Guinan (not played by Woopie Goldberg).  Guinan, who has been on Earth for years says to Picard that fairness is something “for people that look like you, not like me” – because he’s a white man abs she’s a black woman – and that society is just as racist as it ever was and only “wears a suit instead of a hood.”

The absolute fuck is this?

It’s woke hyperbole that America hasn’t changed since Alabama in 1959 or even 1859, we just hide it better.

This is objectively untrue.

As for the ICE thing, this is Los Angeles, California, at the end if the Biden Administration (April, 2024).ICE and CBP are overwhelmingly Hispanic.  It is illegal to perform an immigration arrest in a hospital or health care facility.  Bybtgis time Title 42 would have expired so they’re not deporting anyone without a felony conviction.

In reality, if ICE even bothered to contact Rios, he’d probably be given a cellphone, a few hundred dollars in cash, and a subsidized hotel room with a note to when to show up at court for his immigration hearing.

But reality doesn’t spread the woke message that America is a horrible, white supremacist nation. So they have to make ICE look like Nazi Jew-hunters going after poor Hispanics.

It’s impossibly bad and totally destructive to the legacy of Star Trek.

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I have a couple of questions about the Pro Abortion Protests

Why the sudden need to target Catholic churches? The position has been the same for eons and I do not recall seeing any special church influence on the leaked SCOTUS document.

My second question is: How come there were no protests in mosques? Muslim faith is as “restrictive” as Catholic faith when it comes to abortion, but they never get challenged about that, how come?

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Note to Criminals: Not all states have gone soft on crime.

This thing of walking into a store and stealing because you can and won’t be prosecuted, does not work everywhere. And that goes double if you become aggressive.

GRAND PRAIRIE, Texas — An armed robbery suspect was shot and killed by a customer inside a Grand Prairie business Thursday night, police say.

Around 9:10 p.m., Grand Prairie police officers responded to a reported robbery in progress at a business in the 1600 block of West Polo Road. When officers arrived, they located the alleged robbery suspect suffering from an apparent gunshot wound.

Police said the suspect was transported to a local hospital and was later pronounced dead.

During the investigation, detectives determined the armed suspect was in the act of robbing the business and an employee, when they were confronted by a customer.

The customer, who police say is a concealed handgun license holder, told detectives that he feared for his life and the life of the employee, so he intervened and shot the suspect.

Grand Prairie police: Robbery suspect shot at 1600 W. Polo Road |


For fun’s sake, I checked the address and the only thing in the area with possible available cash for a quick fix is a Dollar General. How embarrassing has to be for the family to admit the dumb asshole got popped robbing a cheap store? Well, not so cheap if you consider the price he paid for his stupidity.

Hat Tip GaryE.

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