The Left’s violence dimmer has been set to Level 1


This is Level 1.

This is angry Leftist activists chanting ugly slogans.

These are the people who will be used to provide cover for Level 2, activists who engage in property damage.

The vandals will hide among the protesters allowing the media to call them “mostly peaceful” and portray any attempts to clear the protesters as repressive attempts to deny people their civil rights to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

This is well orchestrated.

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I broke my own rule about where to eat BBQ.

The first time I ate Honest-to-God BBQ was in this joint not far from where my wife’s parents lived. It was religious experience and I was damned for eternity on how pork should be done. Then in Miami, there was this joint near MIA where smoked pork was done so good, even my quiet Father In Law demanded to see the owner, identified himself as long-time BBQ eater and proud Southerner and congratulated him on a most delicious BBQ.

What both places had in common was huge stacks of wood on the back to feed their pits: They BBQed on site. Hell, many times we visited, the pork went from the smoker to our plates or bag to go home. It does not get any fresher than that.

Yesterday to celebrate my weigh loss, I took the missus and MiL to a very famous location in town, recommended by several people as to have the best BBQ in town. When we arrived there, I saw no smoke, neither I smelled the wafting aroma of pork over coals nor I saw cords upon cords of wood stacked anywhere. It was not a stand-alone place, but at the end of one long building with other assorted stores  Still, I gave them a chance only to be properly disappointed.

Half a rack of baby backs.

To be nice, I’ll just say it was bland and I am complimenting it. No noticeable smoke ring, but at least it was soft.

The place had a selection of different BBQ sauces, but that is not the issue. Any meat, properly prepared should be able to stand a test of flavor without the need of external post-cooking sauces or creams. The fries were OK, the coleslaw the same and both overpriced.

And they put sugar in their cornbread. I believe that is illegal in Tennessee.

These were done by yours truly. Suckers tased 50 times better and cost a helluva lot less.



The smoker collapsed once again before we moved to TN, so I just dumped it figuring good BBQ was available everywhere.

I was wrong.

If I find a good source of pork, I will seriously think about getting back into smoking my own. That unless I do find a true BBQ joint and not an overpriced strip mall pork restaurant.


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Dear Daily News Journal: This on Mothers’ Day?

Editorial page of the local rag on Mother’s Day.  Not a grain of decency and consideration for people.

An editorial about aborting babies has more relevance than celebrating the lives of the people who actually have babies and raise them.

No wonder people despise both journalists and abortionists, the latter a little bit less.

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Tweeter to be transformed: $3 a month and a thousand fired.

Elon Musk is planning to fire 1,000 staffers at Twitter as soon as his purchase of the social media platform is complete.

It’s believed he will fire many of the firm’s woke staff following the transfer of ownership which will take around six months, after which Musk is likely to wield the ax.

But then within the next three years, Musk anticipates making thousands of new hires, swelling the ranks to around 11,000 employees, up from 7,500 currently.
Much of the new talent is likely to be in the field of engineering.

Musk is said to favor a subscription-based model over advertiser funding, as it would make Twitter less beholden to advertiser pressure. He has even suggested users could pay with cryptocurrency, including joke currency Dogecoin which Musk has long had an affection for.

Elon Musk plans to fire 1,000 Twitter staff quintuple revenue 69 million users paying $3 a month | Daily Mail Online

I have to say it is a smart move on his part. $3 a month is not a big amount pretty much anywhere in the world. Hell, I get less satisfaction paying 4 times more with Netfilx. Hell, the firing of the Censors and future workers of US MinTrue is a huge advance.

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