Carbajal-Flores a bit more

One of the things I keep reading, and I want to clarify:

Judge Coleman’s ruling applies only to Illegal Immigrants

No attribution because this, or versions of it, have been seen throughout the Internet.

Judge Coleman’s ruling does not apply to “illegal Immigrants”, “illegal aliens”, “green card holders”, “permanent residents”, or “citizens”. It ONLY applies to Mr. Carbajal-Flores.

But let’s compare this to the Rahimi case. Mr. Rahimi is a nasty, evil, no good, piece of shit. He is a bad guy.

His case is before the Supreme Court. They will be issuing an opinion on §922(g)(8).

Whether 18 U.S.C. §922(g)(8), which prohibits the possession of firearms by persons subject to domestic-violence protective orders, violates the Second Amendment on its face.

The Fifth Circuit says that it does violate the Constitution, The state disagrees.

Do I want bad guys with violent tendencies running around with guns? No!

Will Rahimi get out of jail and be free to roam the streets with firearms if the Supreme Court rules in his favor?

No. He will not.

Mr. Rahimi is in jail for the things he did, outside possessing a firearm, while under a domestic-violence restraining order.

The federal count of §922(g)(8) was one of many counts brought against Mr. Rahimi. He is not getting out of jail anytime soon.

Mr. Carbajal-Flores is in the same situation. He is an illegal alien, in Chicago, doing bad things.

Mr. Carbajal-Flores entered the United States, illegally, in or before 2002. In June 2020, he was hanging around the front of a business when he claims he was handed a firearm by a 3rd party. The group of men loitering in front of the business claim to be an “impromptu neighborhood watch”.

He claims that he witnessed four vehicles drive past the business yelling threats and pointing guns at the “neighborhood watch”.

Then, at 2306, he pulled the gun and fired seven rounds at a car which he claimed had swerved to strike one of the members of the “watch”. At 2340, he pulled the gun again, fired repeatedly at a different vehicle, but the gun had malfunctioned and no rounds were actually fired.

Shortly after that, he was arrested by the police.

After arrest, he was found to be an illegal alien.

He was handed over to ICE. An indictment was issued via grand jury. The court issued a warrant for his arrest. He “self-surrendered”. Bail was set at $4,500 and he was released on house arrest. That was later modified to allow him to continue to go to work.

After Bruen issued, he filed a motion to dismiss on an as applied Second Amendment Challenge to §922(g)5.

When Judge Coleman issued her memorandum and order in December 2022, she faithfully followed —United States V. Mariano a. Meza-Rodriguez, 798 F.3d 664 (7th Cir. 2015) which is Seventh Circuit court case law extending Second Amendment protections to illegal aliens as part of The People.

The Seventh Circuit then said that under means-end, the state could deny Second Amendment protected rights to illegal aliens.

Judge Coleman just followed along.

In 2024, she reheard the request for dismissal. Using text, history, and tradition, found that the Second Amendment did protect the rights of illegal aliens to possess arms, AS APPLIED TO MR. CARBAJAL-FLORES

This case was never about whether he was a member of “The People”. It was always about means-end balancing.

Regardless, Mr. Carbajal-Flores violated multiple statutes. Having a gun was the easy one to prove. They have video evidence of him shooting at a car. They have video evidence of him trying to shoot a different car. Both of those are crimes.

He should be in jail for attempted murder. I don’t care if he thought the car was swerving to strike somebody, at the time he was shooting, the car was already leaving.

After he gets out of jail for attempted murder, his ass should be deported.

§922(g) is an evil statute. It should be removed.

If you are not moral enough to be carrying arms, you are not moral enough to be free of incarceration.

If you are locked up, you still have the right to keep and bear arms. You are being denied that right.

Once you are released, you still have the right to keep and bear arms.

If the state things that after being released you should still be denied your rights, then they should have kept you incarcerated.

Off the sandbox.

THANK YOU to everybody who joined in yesterday’s discussion.

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Moscow Concert Hall Attack. (Videos)

Stuff and info still being gathered, so the 72-hour waiting period for facts still applies. (Updating numbers as I find out)

 93 115 133 people are now known to have died in a terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall on the outskirts of Moscow. 107 people are in hospital, with about 60 of them described as being in a serious condition. Authorities are yet to identify them all.
A number of gunmen stormed the concert hall, opening fire, and later set the venue ablaze. The Russian Investigative Committee said its preliminary findings were that the terrorists had used automatic weapons and flammable liquid to start the fire. There had been earlier reports that explosives were used.
Russian media has reported that president Vladimir Putin has been informed that 11 suspects have been detained, including four people directly responsible for the attack. A Russian lawmaker has claimed the two suspects were detained after a car chase in the Bryansk region, to the south-west of Moscow. The reports remain unverified.

Moscow concert hall attack: death toll rises to 93 as Putin told some suspects have been detained – live updates (

I am willing to bet many more were killed, especially in the fire.

You reckon they would have learned from the Chechen attack at  Dubrovka theatre in 2002 and many others, but as with any “good” government, they know real solutions require transferring power to the citizens and they are fearful selfish bitches when it comes to that.

Updated: Another video added (3rd in the list). If I find other relevant stuff, I will add it here.


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More justification for lethal force in defense of property

Nadia Vitels, 52, who was found stuffed in duffel bag in her Manhattan apartment was ‘killed by two SQUATTERS who beat her to death’ as cops hunt male and female suspects

Police have revealed that the mother found murdered and stuffed into a duffel bag at her New York City apartment were a pair of squatters who beat the woman to death.

Nadia Vitels, 52, was found dead in the East 31st Street apartment in Manhattan’s Kips Bay on March 14 after her family called the building superintendent to do a wellness check.

The medical examiner ruled her death a homicide on Friday after an autopsy ruled she died from multiple facial fractures, a brain bleed, two broken ribs and blunt-force trauma to the head.

Now, NYPD Chief of Detectives says the suspects – already believed to be a black male and a black female both in their 20s – were squatting in Vitels’ apartment.

‘We believe that some squatters took the apartment over and this woman came home … and walked in on the squatters that were there,’ Kenny said.

Squatting is violence.

It is taking property by force.

Typically, it’s passive aggressive force, but in this case, the squatters murdered a woman to continue squatting.

If you come home and find uninvited people in your home, you should have the right to use lethal force to remove those people, before they kill you to squat in your home.

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Friday Feedback

Well, we made it through another week. Nothing destroyed the world, as we know it.

During WWI, WWII, through the end of the draft, in America, there was a core of people called “conscientious objectors”. These were people who were unwilling to kill for any reason.

This became “the thing” to do when you wanted to avoid the draft during Vietnam. Most so-called conscientious objectors were culled during the interview process. The question asked were of the sort: Would you use violence to defend yourself? What would you do if your wife/girlfriend was being raped?

If you answered any of the questions with some sort of violence, you lost your conscientious objector status.

I consider myself to be a constitutional absolutist. The constitution means what it was understood by its plain text at the time it was adopted, with the amendments meaning what the plain text meant when the amendment was ratified.

Text, history, and tradition is the correct method to interpret The Constitution.

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” This is the plain text of the Second Amendment.

I’ve always considered “The People” to include more than just citizens. The Bill of Rights does not mention citizens. It uses “the people”, “the accused”, “him”, “his”, “person”, “himself”, “owner”. These are terms that encompass more than just citizens.

So I am torn when I learn of a case where a bad person is found to be part of The People. I don’t want bad people to be a part of The People.

This leads to the following for me: It is possible for somebody to be a part of The People and have certain inalienable rights, and still be deported or incarcerated. When they are released, they should have access to their rights returned. If they are deported and return, they still have inalienable rights. We can incarcerate them or deport them again.

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Does "The People" include more than just citizens?"
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