The need for a remote cache.

Around 2:35 p.m., Little Rock firefighters carrying a power saw and a Halligan tool —a large pry bar— were seen walking toward the house. An ATF agent was overheard saying they were at the scene to help agents open a safe in Malinowski’s house,

Arkansas airport executive director, ATF agent wounded in Little Rock home shootout – CBS News

This is something I have been musing about for a while now: If you are involved in a defensive shooting, you will have any firearm you have with you confiscated as evidence.  If the shooting is away from home, then it will be only what we have with you. But if it is at home or where you have all your weapons, you are pretty much left disarmed and won’t see them for long time.

I believe one needs to have a cache of weapons and ammo legally stashed somewhere or with somebody you trust. Mind you, if the legal proceedings make it illegal for you to be armed, then you should not add to your crap pile and even get somebody innocent involved in a felony. But otherwise, the idea of being unarmed and probably a target of retaliation by a Bad Guy’s fellow criminals is just plain stupid and suicidal.

Just a thought.

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Nothing was set on fire this time.

Federal agents were involved in a shootout early Tuesday as they tried to serve a search warrant at the Little Rock home of the person who leads the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport, authorities said.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said agents were trying to serve the warrant just after 6 a.m. at a home in west Little Rock when someone inside the home fired gunshots at the agents. The agents returned fire, striking the shooter, who was identified as Bryan Malinowski, 53, the executive director for the airport.

Malinowski was treated at the scene before being taken to an area hospital, Arkansas State Police said. His condition was not immediately available later Tuesday.

An ATF agent, whose identity was not released, was also shot in the exchange of gunfire but suffered a non-life-threatening wound, officials said. The agent, too, was taken to an area hospital for treatment.

Neither the ATF, state police nor federal prosecutors would provide details of what agents were looking for, citing an ongoing investigation.

Around 2:35 p.m., Little Rock firefighters carrying a power saw and a Halligan tool —a large pry bar— were seen walking toward the house. An ATF agent was overheard saying they were at the scene to help agents open a safe in Malinowski’s house,


Arkansas airport executive director, ATF agent wounded in Little Rock home shootout – CBS News

It is interesting to read the assorted headlines of this incident so far. Half start with “Executive wounded/injured” and the other half with “ATF agent wounded/injured.” There was a time that the Media would immediately default towards the ATF agent without exception.


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On the Carbajal-Flores decision

If you missed the news, a Judge in Illinois decided that illegal immigrants have the right to keep and bear arms.

Undocumented Immigrants Have Right to Own Guns, Judge Rules

A judge this month dropped gun charges against an illegal migrant in Illinois, sparking further debate about the rights associated with the Second Amendment.

U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Coleman of the Northern District of Illinois referenced lower court rulings in dismissing firearm possession charges against Heriberto Carbajal-Flores, who was illegally or unlawfully in the United States when he possessed a handgun in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago on June 1, 2020.

“The Court finds that Carbajal-Flores’ criminal record, containing no improper use of a weapon, as well as the non-violent circumstances of his arrest do not support a finding that he poses a risk to public safety such that he cannot be trusted to use a weapon responsibly and should be deprived of his Second Amendment right to bear arms in self-defense,” Coleman, who was appointed under President Barack Obama, wrote in her eight-page ruling filed March 8.

To be entirely honest, I disagree with this decision.

There are two reasons why.

First, this further dilutes the meaning of citizenship.

To be a citizen of a nation is a duty. A citizen is responsible for the functioning of their society.

As citizens, we vote, we pay taxes, we serve on juries, in times of war we may be drafted.

The benefits ot citizenship are that the rights endowed by our creator and enshrined in our Constitution are ours.

What we are learning is that illegal immigrants have all the rights but none of the responsibilities. Illegals can have guns, vote in local elections, have counsel provided for them, get in-state tuition, but don’t have to pay income tax, can drive without a license or insurance, don’t serve on juries, and don’t have to sign up for the draft.

What is the benefit of being a citizen, if you have all the duties but no additional rights?

Moreover, in Illinois, to possess a gun you must have a FOID, and to carry a gun you must have a CCL.

This person had neither, being illegal, and had their charges dismissed.

So now, illegals can possess and carry guns in Illinois without the permits required of citizens.

Gun rights and federal voting rights were the last two rights exclusive to citizens, and now one is gone.

Second, and this is a deeper point.

The Second Amendment exists as a bulwark against tyranny. It arms the people so that they may defend themselves against threats from the state. Our Founding Fathers were quite explicit about that.

That is based on the presumption that the people armed have a loyalty to this country.

When illegals are armed, where does their loyalty lie?

I, as an American citizen, have the right to keep and bear arms against my government to ensure liberty.

An illegal bearing arms against my government is a foreign invader.

There is a fundamental difference between a people resisting oppression of their own government, and someone fighting the government of a host country instead of going home.

For citizens, I believe the Second Amendment gives me the right to own belt feds and high explosives. If I could afford a Mk19 belt fed grenade launcher, I should be able to buy one.

For illegals, nothing. Go back to where you came from.



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Black Female Hitler


Candace Owens has fully leaned into the Hitlerian rhetoric about Jewish Bolshevism is a threat to European people.

This is one of the ti gs Hitler said to justify the extermination of the Jews.

Go into that Tweet and read the replies, they are all “noticing” and “nose” and “the Jews.”

It’s insane and getting more insane and dangerous by the day.

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Tuesday Tunes

So today’s tunes was supposed to be about comparing some classic composers. How you can listen to just a few notes from Mozart or Bach and know who composed it.

Their styles are so different.

In the movie about Mozart, the King is portrayed as saying “there are too many notes”. Continuing on about how there are only so many notes you can hear at a time.

This song has nothing to do with any of that.

It’s 0215 as I write this. Ms. Google tossed the following in my music queue and I lost it laughing.

NSFW if you have those types of people that are easily offended.

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Another thing I noticed


South Florida is closer to these countries in South America than LA.

Miami has always been the United States’ gateway to South America.

Miami is every bit as rich as LA.

But these gangs aren’t hitting homes in Miami.

I guess strong policing and prosecution, as well as more gun rights and an a better established right to self defense make these gangs avoid Miami.

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