The Pinkertons will be coming back in California

Let’s check in on California and how they are doing.

LA battles spate of ‘burglary tourists’ as marauding gangs from Chile, Ecuador Colombia and Peru jet in on 90-day visas and ransack millionaire mansions before fleeing back to South America

The Los Angeles Police Department has launched a task force to try to crack down on ‘burglary tourists’ who use the US tourism visa system to commit crimes.

Cunning criminals from Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru target wealthy neighborhoods in places with relaxed criminal justice laws to conduct home burglaries – before returning home with the loot while out on bail.

Experts say the issue has been increasing over the past five years, as South Americans continue to use the tourist visa system to rob Americans.

Law enforcement experts say the foreign cells of professional burglars – mostly from Columbia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru – enter the country illegally or exploit a 2014 visa waiver program intended to spur tourism from dozens of trusted countries.

The program, known as ESTA – Electronic System for Travel Authorization – allows South Americans to enter the United States for an unlimited number of 90-day periods.

After entering the country, they carry out strings of break-ins and other crimes, bringing home up to hundreds of millions of dollars in stolen goods, the FBI said.


Burglary tourism.

Who would have thought that going easy on criminals and illegal immigrants would cause problems of this magnitude.

Of course, California won’t change its policies. That would be admitting that it’s principles are wrong.

I will tell you exactly what is going to happen.

Rich people in California will hire a new version of the Pinkertons.

They will be armed with guns regular California citizens can’t have.

They will have the ability to use lethal force that regular California citizens don’t have.

The rules won’t apply to them because they will be guarding the gated communities where the politicians and their donors live.

The regular citizens of California won’t be able to defend themselves and will be punished if they do.

Protection from crime in California will be as two-tiered as everything else.

The message will be, “You can come to the US to steal stuff, just don’t hit the elites’ homes.”

Good luck to the average citizen of California, you’re on your own.

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Some ballistic therapy and Full Auto Fun

Took out some new and old guns for a spin.

I had to change the barrel of the PSA Dagger. I was using a Lone Wolf which is an amazingly accurate bastard, but super finicky about ammunition, specifically my reloads. Apparently, the tolerances are so tight, I would get failures to extract no matter how tight I resized the case. Not one of my other nines have issues with my ammo.  And, of course, the point of impact was no longer the same and I had to adjust it somewhat, but I will need to spend time at an indoor range to make it more precise.

And confirmed, I am getting old and delicate. Shooting the .357 without gloves hurts like a MoFo.

And then… fun was had! Mad Mike Willamson trotted out his DP28 Degtyaryov machine gun.

I cannot believe I did not take a pic with the magazine on it, but since we were over Oleg Volk’s, I know some cool looking photos will come up soon.

It is ugly, heavy and the finish is what you expect from Soviet craftmanship, but we were surprised with the accuracy (for an MG) and how controllable it was.

And sweet god, loading those magazines by hand is a torture designed by the NKVD to punish those who betrayed the Revolution.

Mad Mike convinced Oleg that a dead trip in his property needed to be taken down (It really does) and we should use the DP28 as axe. He approved (reluctantly) and we gave it a go.

Sumbitch is still standing. However, this should be a reminder that Cover is dependent on the incoming caliber and speed.

It was fun, but I am not young anymore and the wife complained when I got home dragging ass and collapsing all over her clean bed.

PS: I forgot to confess this was my first time shooting anything with a happy switch.

Fun was had,

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Glossary – Updated 2024-03-18

Please note that all the terms below refer to the federal court system. State court systems have different names for different levels of court.

For example, in Illinois they have the state supreme court, appellate courts, and circuit courts.

The state supreme court is immediately below the US Supreme Court.

The appellate court is the state equivalent to the federal appellate courts.

But, the state circuit court is equivalent to the federal district court.

I currently do not have visibility into the state court systems. I normally only hear about them once they make their way into the federal system, via appeal.

Term Definition
Administrative Panel A three judge panel at the appellate level that hears motions on the courts emergency docket.
Administrative Stay A stay lasting a short time while a court looks into the motion.
Appeal A motion to a superior court requesting a correction to this courts order(s)
Appellate Court An inferior court immediately under the Supreme Court and above District Courts
Article III Courts The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.
Assault Rifle Propaganda term for a center fire rifle that is scary.
Assault Rifle (2) A select fire rifle that fires an intermediate round.
Assault Weapon Propaganda term for a firearm that is scary.
Assault Weapon(2) Propaganda term for a center fire rifle that is scary.
AWA Anonymous Web Angel. Miguel’s name for me when I started supporting his site.
AWB Assault Weapon Ban
B.L.U.F. Bottom Line Up Front. Put the conclusion at the top of a document.
Case Docket The documents associated with a particular case
CCL Concealed Carry License
CCW Concealed Carry of Weapon
certiorari The Supreme Court’s word for an agreement to hear a case
Circuit Court Another name for an Appellate Court
Circus A derogatory term for a circuit court, e.g. The First Circus issued an opinion uploading an infringement based on means-end.
Court Docket The list of cases for a particular court.
District Court The most inferior court in the federal court system
Docket A collection of court documents
Emergency Docket A court’s docket for cases that require an immediate response. i.e. a request to stay an execution.
en banc The full circuit court, except for the Ninth Circuit. There are so many judges on the Ninth Circuit that their “en banc” panels are a subset of the entire court.
F.R.A.P. Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure
Final Judgment An order by the court closing a case after the trial or oral arguments.
GFZ (2) Propaganda term for a government mandated civilian disarmament zone. A location where only the criminals and government have arms.
Grant The Supreme Court or Circuit Court agreeing to hear a case.
Gun Safety Civilian Disarmament by law
Gun Safety (2) Treat every gun as if it is loaded, don’t point a gun at anything you are not willing to destroy, keep your bugger hook off the bang stick until you are ready to shoot, be aware of your target and anything beyond.
Gun Violence A propaganda term for any violence where a gun was present. Includes justifiable homicide, suicide, self-defense, murder and much more.
GVR To Grant certiorari, Vacate the inferior courts judgment, and Remand to the inferior court.
Inferior court Any federal court that is not the Supreme Court
Injunction An order by a court stopping a party and their minions from doing something.
interlocutory A case that does not have a judgment. It is still in the preliminary stages.
Judge’s Docket The list of cases assigned to a particular judge.
LCM Propaganda term for standard magazines that hold a scary number of rounds
Mass Shooting A propaganda term for any time guns are used when there was more than two people present.
Mass Shooting (2) the FBI defines a “mass shooting” as any incident in which at least four people are murdered with a gun.
Merits Panel A three judge panel at the appellate level that hears a case on its merits.
Motion A request by a party to the court for something. For example, a motion to dismiss.
Order(s) Instructions issued by a court. These can be scheduling orders, briefing requirements, granting or denying motions from the parties.
Permit to Purchase A scheme where you need to get government permission to exercise a core civil right.
Petition A particular type of motion
Preliminary Injunction An injunction that lasts for the duration of a case.
Remand To send a case to an inferior court for a do over.
Rogue Court A court that refuses to follow the Supreme Court’s decisions. See First, Second, Third, fourth, Seventh, and Ninth Circus courts.
Safe Storage A government mandate to make your firearms inaccessible in an emergency or urgency.
Safe Storage (2) Proper evaluation of your situation and protecting your firearms from unauthorized access.
Senior Judge A judge that is mostly retired. A judge that is inactive but still participates in cases.
Sensitive Location GFZ(2)
Sensitive Location (2) A location with comprehensive armed security where the location has accepted responsibility for providing security.
Shadow Docket A propaganda term for emergency docket used by people that don’t approve of courts making decisions regarding which case they will hear on an emergency basis.
Snark Come on, do you really need me to define this?
Standing A party has standing if there is a live issue and it affects the party.
Stay An order by a court stopping an action by that court or an inferior court
Summary Judgment An order by a court closing a case or part of a case based on the briefed merits before trial or oral arguments
Supreme Court The top court of the United States. There is NO court above the Supreme Court
Temporary Restraining Order An injunction that lasts until a court can decided on a preliminary injunction
TL;DR; To long; Didn’t Read; Rude way of saying that something was so wordy that you didn’t put in the effort to read it.
Tl;DR; (2) A note by the author of the short version of their article for people with short attention spans.
TRO Temporary Restraining Order
Vacate For a superior court to dismiss an inferior courts judgment
Winter Factors Four questions a court must answer before issuing a Preliminary Injunction or a stay.
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After many years, I am back in Twitter Gulag. (UPDATE: Released)

Who knew Self Defense is against Twitter/X rules?

I specifically stated, “if they attack you.”

I should have contested, but they said initially that I would be locked out for 6 hours if I deleted it.  I did, but know they are saying it may take a week.

Lying fucks.

UPDATE: I am finally released. Let’s see how long I last after this post.

And to the remaining wokes in Twitter/X, I am not some Redneck advocating for the extermination of poor Venezuelan criminals….  because take a mother rucking guess where I came from almost 30 years ago?

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