Trump sould upgrade his Secret Service detail.

After the SCOTUS decision that states cannot remove Trump from ballot for insurrection, the Deranged are out on full force chummed by the partisan propagandists and the Democrats in general. Add to the mix how bad is Biden doing in every frigging poll even with all the faux accolades and propping up and there has to be a lot of fear that there is nothing they can do to stop Bad Orange Man from becoming Prez again.
Except that lone weirdo that will try to do a Lee Harvey to “save democracy.”

And that scares the shit out of me.

There will literally be Palestians-After-9/11-style dancing on the streets and some may take a lot of offense to that and make their disagreement known…loudly.

The Flip of the Switch?

As I’ve said before, to the left political violence is a knob which can be turned up and down, from riots and looting to murder. The right doesn’t have a knob. It has a switch. There’s two choices. Obey the law or shoot fucking everyone.

Larry Correia


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Tuesday Tunes

Mom was never a quiet woman. She could look at a handsome man and say as much, without offending dad. Years ago, we were able to give her a life-size cardboard cutout of her favorite football star telling kids to drink their milk. She took laughed, and we took photos of her pretending to be there with him.

When one of Kris Kristopherson’s albums came out, she told everybody, “He’s sexy.”

From mom’s playlist.

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Something interesting in Haiti.

Haiti is in going through another chapter of its constant turmoil, with the latest being a gang engaging in s prison break that released 4,000 prisoners. Watching the newsclip, I saw this:

Is that a printed lower on the left? Looks like one to me. Gun control is dead worldwide.

And I have little doubt the guns came from the U.S. obtained by straw buyers and then smuggled out. And I am sure the ATF will investigate in its earnest once they finish chasing around whatever high publicity crime scene from other departments they can land on.

Another thing I saw in the video was the gang members having to share ammunition which is a great reminder that you cannot depend on your local store to provide a steady supply if SHTF.

Buy or reload ammo or both.  Be the guy the UPS driver hates and chiropractors love.

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That’s a lot of blood (warning)

Las Crusas, New Mexico, police officer Jonah Hernandez was stabbed to death.

It was captured on his body cam.

That footage has been released.


It took about 40 seconds for him to die.

I couldn’t find any details of his injuries, but at the 57 second mark you can see a huge spray of blood. It looks like he was probably stabbed in the neck.

I don’t post this for entertainment, I post this for educational purposes.

From the time the vagrants rushed him to when officer Hernandez was down was about four seconds.

A knife is an extremely dangerous weapon.

People can close distance fast.

At close range, a man with a knife can have you bleeding out and die before you can think avoid getting your gun out to stop him.

Do not, under any circumstances, underestimate a man armed with just a knife.

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Back to the days of Death Wish

Let’s check in on New York City.

The lasting toll of violence on New York City’s subway

More people have been murdered in New York City’s subways since the start of 2020 than in the preceding 15 years — a grim statistic driven by an alarming start to the year in the mass transit system.

The NYPD has recorded 32 murders in subway trains and stations since the start of 2020, which includes three fatal shootings over the last six weeks. There were 31 murders recorded in the system from 2005 to 2019, according to NYPD data

I guess the mass exodus of police and the lack of prosecution of criminals really makes the world a better, safer place.

For criminals that is.

For decent citizens, most certainly not.

The last time a decent citizen has the temerity to defend himself and other bystanders from a criminal on the subway, NYC made him the bad guy and turned the criminal into a martyr.

I’d say that it’s time for good New Yorkers to leave, but then they come here, drive up the cost of living, and ruin everything.

Just build the way around NYC and let them sort it out on their own.

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The police and media are covering up antisemitic violence

First, more information from the Pogrom on the Berkeley campus.

UC Berkeley Jewish Student Says She Was Choked By Pro-Palestinian Protesters Who Shut Down Israeli Lecture

A Jewish UC Berkeley student, who requested anonymity, told the Journal in a phone interview that she was choked by pro-Palestinian protesters Monday evening. The protestors were trying to shut down an event featuring a former Israeli Defense Force (IDF) soldier as a speaker.

The event, “Israel at War: Combat the Lies” and organized by Bears for Israel (BFI), Students Supporting Israel at Berkeley (SSIB) and Tikvah, was set to feature former Israel Defense Force (IDF) soldier Ran Bar-Yoshafat speaking before being canceled due to the pro-Palestinian protest.

“Minutes before the event was to start, a crowd of some 200 protesters began to surround the building,” University Chancellor Carol Christ and Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Benjamin Hermalin said in a message to the campus community on Tuesday afternoon. “Doors were broken open and the protesters gained unauthorized entry to the building. The event was canceled, and the building was evacuated to protect the speaker and members of the audience.”

The student and her group of friends were escorted inside into Zellerbach; the student thought that the security around the event was tight enough to prevent any of the protesters from storming into the building.

Eventually, a police officer pushed all of the protesters and the student outside; the student broke free from the protesters and “ran away.” “People were crying left and right. Everyone was scared,” the student said. She also observed the protesters chanting, “We won! We won! We won!” when the event was ultimately canceled; Bar-Yoshafat and the Jewish students inside were escorted safely out of the building through underground tunnels.

There is video and pictures.


That, shockingly, isn’t the worst news out of California this week.

California dentist fatally shot at work, ‘disgruntled’ ex-customer arrested

A dentist is dead and two others are wounded after a man, believed to be a “disgruntled former patient,” allegedly opened fire in a southern California dentist’s office last week.

Police in El Cajon, about 15 miles east of San Diego, were called to Smile Plus Dentistry and Orthodontics shortly after 4 p.m. Thursday for an active shooting.

When officers arrived, they found three victims, El Cajon police explained. One of those victims, later identified as 28-year-old Benjamin Ariel Harouni by the San Diego County Medical Examiner’s Office, was pronounced dead at the scene from apparent gunshot injuries to the body.

The suspect, identified as 29-year-old Mohammed Abdulkareem, was believed to be a “disgruntled former customer” of the dental office, authorities said. However, El Cajon Police said the relationship between the victims and Adbulkareem is unclear as of Friday.

Abdulkareem allegedly left the scene of the shooting and was on the run for several hours until police located him as well as the U-Haul pickup truck he was believed to be driving in the Balboa Park area. Police said they found a loaded handgun and several loaded magazines on him, which records show were legally purchased by Abdulkareem just two weeks before the shooting.

What the local news has left out, because the national news hasn’t touched this story, is that Dr. Benjamin Harouni is a member of the Iranian-Jewish community that emigrated to the US.

A Jewish dentist is murdered in a premeditated way by a Muslim client, who went through the laborious process of obtaining a handgun in California to do the shooting, and the police call him “disgruntled.”

The increase on violence against Jews is horrific and the police and media are doing little of nothing to stop it or report on it.

The only option is to be armed and vigilant.

You are your first and last line of defense, nobody is coming to save you.

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The Last Visit – Part 2

(Part 1 is under construction).

Last week I was TDY to visit my parents. Mom had been in failing health for several years. She had dementia. I’ve been avoiding talking to her because she had gotten mean in her dementia. She was the most loving of mothers and I needed to remember her that way.

On March 3rd, 2024, she passed. I received the news about 5 minutes before writing this.

I got to say goodbye. I got my pictures. She was pleasant to be around. She didn’t remember me as her child. She didn’t remember having children. She remembered her husband. She trusted him for her memory. She remembered her stories when I told them to her.

Goodbye mom. I love you.

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