The true high cost of College Education.

It is not only the monetary cost to regular folks and taxpayers, but the ignorance of those hired to teach.

Let’s go through his collegiate statement.

The US does not have any national ID system
Kinda sorta right. It is up to the individual states to issue IDs for that state, but it has slowly turned into a national “system” with TRUE ID.

and many states don’t have ID systems
Huh? Is there a State in the union without an ID system? No drivers license? He does not mention which states, probably because he made that up.

Historically, some southern states have put all kinds of requirements to stop black people from voting.
And historically your birthplace sent people to the guillotine without due process and was the proud owner of Devil’s Island. And you would be speaking German if it wasn’t for the racist Southerners that fought to liberate France. But the past is one thing, and the present another.

Some of those are still in place. Requiring an ID that is difficult to obtain, or expensive is one such way to deny people the right to vote.
Well, I am a minority and live in the South. How hard was for me to get a license in Tennessee? I went online (Harsh, I know), made an appointment, showed up at my local licensing office, produced the required documents, paid the exorbitant fee of $28, had my picture taken and went home. It was a crowded day, so I probably spent about 40 minutes total. Got the license in the mail some days later. If I wanted only the State ID, it would have set me back all of $12.  In some locations, you may get charged an extra $4 (I know, the horror) for administrative fee to cover operational costs.

So, a grand total of $16 for an ID that can be used for voting purposes is apparently burdensome and racist. The poor minorities are better off going to the movies than wasting their hard-earned cash on an ID to vote.

Cost of one ticket and basic munchies for a movie in Murfreesboro on this day.

Hmmm… maybe not.



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NYC doesn’t allow self defense

From the NY Post:

Amazon driver fends off attack from drunk, naked NYC migrant — and ends up in cuffs

A Big Apple Amazon driver said he had to slam a naked and drunk migrant in the head with a snowball to keep the deranged asylum seeker from making off with his packages — only to find himself in handcuffs.

The migrant, identified by police sources as Yeison Sanchez, 26, was allegedly stumbling drunk and clutching a beer bottle when the Amazon driver said he caught him red-handed trying to make off with packages he was delivering in Clinton Hill around 4:45 p.m. on Sunday.

“I was unloading my stuff, and a guy – he was like a pervert, he had his penis out,” the driver, who asked that he only be identified as Abu, told The Post on Monday.

“He’s in the corner of the street j–king off and I told him, ‘Hey, what are you doing?’” Abu added. “And he went into my van where all my mail and everything was at, and I pushed him away, and he ran towards me like he was going to aggressively hit me.”

Abu said he picked up a piece of ice from the ground and chucked it at the rowdy flasher.

Abu, who left the would-be thief with swelling and bruising on his face, was charged with third-degree assault and released on a desk appearance ticket, police said.

In New York City, a man can rob and sexually assault you, and you defend yourself by hitting him with a chunk of ice, you get charged with assault.

This is insanity. Especially, because in most of America, it would have been legal to shoot that guy.

NYC preferes criminal sex offenders to citizens.

Get out of New York.

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Preparing for an American 10/7


The technical term for this is reconnoitering.

The common parlance is casing the joint.

There is also an intimidation factor.

The lack of law enforcement against these Hanas supporters threatened Jews is emboldened them.

The police will do nothing.

Arm yourself and prepare to defend yourselves.

Violence is coming, I guarantee it.

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Catholicism under attack everywhere.

At least 15 people have been killed and two others injured following an attack on a Catholic church in north-eastern Burkina Faso on Sunday.

It took place during Sunday worship in Essakane village in Oudalan province – close to the border with Mali. Few details have been given.
A church official indicated the gunmen were suspected Islamist militants.

Burkina Faso: At least 15 dead in Catholic church attack (

Africs without a doubt is the most dangerous location to be a practicing Catholic. The example above is sadly the rule rather than the exception, but it does not get coverage in the U.S.

Then again, being a Catholic is now a suspicious activity by the Feds.

A conservative government watchdog has released almost 100 pages of FBI documents it says show the agency was not fully forthcoming about its actions surveilling and targeting Catholic churches.

“FBI Director Christopher Wray had told congressmen that the memo was ‘a single product by a single field office,’ but the records uncovered by Judicial Watch show that it was “Reviewed by: OGC/CDC [Office of General Counsel/Chief Deputy Counsel],'” Judicial Watch posted in a press release Friday.

Judicial Watch obtained the documents through a FOIA request related to an internal FBI memo leaked earlier this year, which revealed that the agency had efforts underway to identify and treat Catholics as “potential terrorists.”

“The records also indicate coordination with officials from Portland and Milwaukee,” the press release said.

The FBI Richmond internal memo, titled “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities,” was leaked in January and drew instant criticism from Republicans.

It identified “radical-traditionalist Catholic[s]” as potential “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists” and said that “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) in radical-traditionalist Catholic (RTC) ideology almost certainly presents opportunities for threat mitigation through the exploration of new avenues for tripwire and source development.”


Heavily redacted records show FBI’s targeting of Catholics went beyond what they’ve claimed: watchdog (

A preview of upcoming “attractions”:

In our societal effort to be all inclusive, we have created a safe space for everybody but ourselves and our loved ones.

A mayor attack on a US Catholic church is due. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops will not side with the flock but with the wolves by keeping the sheepdogs away from services and “forgiving” the killers.

I shan’t forgive the killers or the Bishops.

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100% Inspection – Updated

Update: After one of our commenters provided me with the correct term for this type of case, I was able to research “Stepped-cases” and found this is a thing.

As a reloader, I understand just how expensive and hard to get powder got. And how much more expensive it is today than 5 years ago. I believe that somebody spent the time and money to research reduced loads in smaller case sizes to get an answer that said it was cheaper to use more brass than it was to use more powder.

Regardless, my point remains, 100% inspection of cases is good policy and could save your firearm, hand, or even life.

Diamond K came through for me again. 2000+ cases arrived for processing.

1000+ .45 ACP and 1000+ 9 mm cases total. While they sell by count, they are actually shipping by weight.

From my quick test, 10 9 mm cases weigh around 37.3g, 250 cases are 932.5g. Counting by weight, I received about 40 extra cases in the 9 mm order, plus 2 extra in the .45 ACP. There was one .22 LR case and a single small stone holding that .22 case inside the 9 mm case.

But that isn’t the fun find.

Somebody missed a step:

That casing was not drawn out correctly. Somebody put a primer on the case, added powder and a bullet.

And it went to one of us like that.

When you are reloading, inspect every case.

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Why do I need an AR 15 and 30 round magazines?

Because Illegal aliens since 2021 total more than individual populations of 38 states; illegal crossings top 8 million since Biden took office | The Highland County Press.

And this is coming:

Prepare accordingly.

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