A hit to Gun Free Zones in Tennessee?

SB 2912 and matching HB 2032:

Firearms and Ammunition – As introduced, removes the offense of possessing a weapon in a building that prohibits or restricts weapons; allows a person with an enhanced handgun carry permit to carry a handgun into a business that prohibits or restricts weapons; removes penalties for violations of certain firearms provisions. – Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13.


I have long ago ceased to be all childish giggly at good gun bills till the governor signs it. But the fact that this particular one is moving, has a companion bill in the House and has picked up sponsors makes me at least a little wishful.

And yes, there will be those on our side that will crap on this bill because it does not eliminate the GFZs altogether and will refuse to support the effort to which the Gun Control Advocates will like to thank in advance.


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I have a legal question.

If I wipe my ass with this, does it make it a Hate Crime?

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Server down

On Wed, Feb 21, the site experienced downtime.  The cause was an infrastructure update that caused certain resources to go offline.

At no time was there a risk to the contents of the site.

The resources (ceph cluster) has been brought back online and the site, obviously, is now functioning properly.

Geek speak:

The base infrastructure is K8S. A ceph cluster provides backing storage for the RDBMS and for the assets. At around 0800, the K8S cluster was forcibly upgraded because of EOL issues.

This caused NAS volumes to become detached from the K8S ceph nodes. This is expected. Once the volumes were attached to the new K8S ceph nodes, the OSD processes had to be properly restarted.

Once this was completed, the ceph volumes became available to all the pods that needed them and the site was brought back up.

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Teaser: Petition for Cert

Petition for Cert.

As noted, Heller stated that the textual analysis focuses on the normal and ordinary meaning of the words in the constitutional text. Heller, 554 U.S. at 576. The plain and ordinary meaning of “arm” obviously includes all firearms. This is what Heller said. Id. at 581 (citing with approval a source that said that all firearms constituted arms.). Thus, it follows that the firearms banned by the State are arms within the meaning of the text.
Not so fast, says the Seventh Circuit. The word “arms” in the text includes some firearms but not others. And how does one discern the difference? The ordinary meaning of the text is no help according to the panel majority because the word “arms” in the Second Amendment has an idiomatic meaning that in the context of firearms includes only “firearms that are not too ‘militaristic.’” App. 42.
Of course, the panel seems to have drawn this line between firearms covered by the text and those that are not in an effort to cabin Heller as much as possible to its specific facts. But as then-Judge Kavanaugh wrote in Heller v. D.C. (“Heller II”), 670 F.3d 1244 (D.C. Cir. 2011), a line based on a desire to restrict Heller is “not a sensible or principled constitutional line for a lower court to draw.” Id. at 1286 (Kavanaugh, J., dissenting). Justice Kavanaugh was correct, and the panel majority’s approach to the text cannot be reconciled with Heller’s “plain and ordinary meaning” mandate.

There is much more. The gist is that the plaintiffs (good guys) are calling out the Seventh Circuit and the District court for refusing to follow Supreme Court instructions, as they are required, as inferior courts.

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Polygraphing Fishermen? And what were they expecting?

Local anglers reached out to NBC CT Responds upset that they were disqualified from the bluefish tournament after failing the lie detector test. They swear they weren’t spinning fish stories.

Fair fishing? Polygraph testing used in local bluefish tournament – NBC Connecticut

Has there been cheating in fishing competitions? Yes. But there is a reason why polygraphs are not admitted in court nor they forbidden to use to get a regular job. They do not really tell if somebody is lying or telling the truth.




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Tulsa Mayor denies Sanctuary City status.

Tulsa Mayor GT Bynum is speaking out against what he said are false rumors that Tulsa is turning into a “sanctuary city” for illegal immigrants.

He posted a statement on Facebook, calling the claims “ridiculous garbage.”

Tulsa Mayor Speaks Out On Tulsa Immigration Rumors (newson6.com)


At first, the idea of somebody weaponizing the concept because the Mayor is a republican. But then I kept reading.


He said some people are misinformed about a business center being created with public-private money to help immigrants who want to start a business.

Christian Bengel, the Tulsa City Councilor for District 6, said it’s upsetting when people get the wrong idea.

“They’ll have access to resources that will help them navigate being lawful and successful businesses,” said Bengel. “I’m grateful to all the partnerships that are bringing this together.”


If the business center is aimed at legal immigrants, then what we have here is a self-inflicted political wound and a demonstration that the depravation of language for political purposes works. The new use of the word immigrants covers both legal (as it should) and illegal aliens which probably made some people in social media to add two plus two and come up with twenty-two.

Let this be a lesson to other politicians.



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Another TikTok prankster almost eats it

Talk about epic fucking stupidity.

Dude has his nose rearranged and was about to swallow some teeth before saying it was a prank.

I don’t know where this happened, but he’s damn lucky he didn’t get shot.

After that one TikToker took a bullet for pulling a dumb-ass prank on the wrong guy, you’d figure that they’d get the message not to do this shit.

I guess it won’t stop until one of these idiots dies.

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