We need to export wood chippers to Europe and demonstrate their capabilities.

At the heels of an attempted mass casualty event in the mega church in Texas by a gender-fluid antisemite Salvadoran, I present you the latest perversion against children in Spain.

Coming to a city near you….with your children.

Via Radio Genoa:

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Quick update on Bianchi v. Brown

The petition for writ of certiorari before judgement has been filed.

The state has until March 13, 2024, to respond. We should see a spat of the regular suspects chiming in over the next 3 weeks on why this case should not be heard by the Supreme Court.

This petition was submitted to Chief Justice Roberts.

We want to see when it is distributed to conference.

There is some interesting timing going on. Oral arguments are calendared for 2024/03/20, 7 days after the response is due.

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Nobody is going to help you, you are on your own


ABC Chicago gives more details.


It happened on Jan. 29 around 4:30 a.m. on West Lawrence Avenue near Long Avenue in the Jefferson Park neighborhood.

Within a few strides, a dark sedan screeched along the sidewalk, and four people bailed out and surrounded her.

Then, the four people, who police said were armed with weapons, shoved, manhandled and stripped the 35-year-old woman of her personal property.

For 120 seconds, they pushed and patted down the young woman, riffling her pockets and bags she had been carrying.

They piled back in the sedan and speed off, leaving the woman collecting herself and whatever they left on the ground.

Then, as a city bus approached, the woman frantically tried to flag it down. The bus never so much as paused.

Still, it gets worse. What appears to be the very same car of armed offenders returned for a replay.

Three offenders leapt out and surrounded her for a second time, this time delivering a blow to her head and another 60 seconds of physical intimidation.

Her panicked waves for help were ignored by two more passing drivers.

Why did they attack her again?

Because these are savages and they enjoyed hurting a defenseless woman.

Why did other people, including a municipal bus driver, ignore her?

Ask the ghost of Kitty Genovese.

The lesson, however, is clear.

You are on your own.

Nobody is going to help you.

Even if you give up everything of monetary value, these savages will still hurt you for fun.

Be prepared to defend yourself.

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Group Think

I’m not quite sure how you can as an individual care about students, but as a group not do so. — Paul Koning

There is study of people as a group that is very successful. We know how people, in mass, will respond to different stimuli.

This is one of the reasons that mobs are so dangerous. They react as a “mob” and not as individuals.

Some of the worst mass casualty events in our recent history have come about because of mob mentality.

Look at the doors of your home, the screen door, if any, opens outward, the main door opens inward. Now look at the majority of business doors. They open outwards. This is so universal that people will insist on pulling on business doors that open inwards, even with signs.

This is because of that mob mentality. When an individual is trying to exit and needs to pull the door open, they will do so, not issues. The people behind him will give them room to do so.

In a mob event, the people in the rear will push forward, causing the people in the front to be pushed forward, making it impossible to pull the door open. This leads to crush deaths at the front. The people in the rear are then trapped.

Unions are controlled mobs. The people at the top manipulate the lower down, and they use mob manipulation to accomplish these things.

What this means, is that good teachers, and there are many of them, will sacrifice their time, their emotions, and their money to help their students. Many of those teachers purchase extra supplies for their students. Spend time out of contract hours to help students. Will invest their emotions in the success of their students.

This is the individual acting as an individual.

I listen to the complaints of teachers. One of the huge issues today is safety in the classroom. I’m not talking about “school shootings”. I am talking about out of control students.

Every year, one or more of the elementary school teachers is injured by a k-5 student seriously enough to require a trip to the hospital.

Every week, a classroom is taken over by a student and the classroom is evacuated for the safety of the other children.

Every day, there is a story of another student who is holding a class or school hostage. I’m not talking about nationwide, I’m talking about a single school.

So it was time for contract negotiations. The biggest issue I’ve heard from any teacher is classroom safety. Instead of talking about classroom safety, the union was thrilled they got another pay raise. As were the teachers.

As far as I can tell, not a single teacher has bothered to ask, much less demand, that their union work towards a safe working environment for their members.

They are afraid of “rocking the boat” or “the union can’t help”.

This is mob mentality. The union isn’t willing to do battle for the students and the safety of their members, they just want more dues, they want more money. The teachers hear they are getting another pay raise and are happy.

I despise what unions have become.

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Bianchi v. Brown

(1500 words)
Out in California, Virgina Duncan has been fighting the state and the Ninth Circuit court since 2019. Her case made it all the way to the Supreme Court, where it was Granted Certiorari, the decision of the Ninth Circuit was Vacated, and the case was Remanded (GVR).

The Ninth Circuit court then kicked the case back to the district level for more “fact finding”. The California statute was found unconstitutional, again at the district level. It was appealed to the Ninth Circuit court, where games were played.

A year and a half after Bruen Virginia is still being screwed by the state.

At the same time as the Supreme Court GVR’d Duncan v. Bonta, they also GVR’d Bianchi v. Frosh. Yes, the same day, at about the same time.

The Fourth Circuit Court took a different approach. They acted rapidly, and a three judge merits panel heard the case in December of the same year. This is amazingly fast for the appellate courts.

Then they sat on the case. For over a year, they sat there, doing nothing.

Finally, in January, we heard that the Fourth was going to hear the case en banc. Normally, the three judge merits panel would have issued their opinion.

The only plausible explanation is that a majority of the en banc court was not pleased with the outcome that the panel was prepared to reach.
Dominic Bianchi v. Anthony g. Brown, Oops. Novel citation pattern. at 3–4 (U.S.)

The plaintiffs (good guys) have taken a highly unusual step. They have moved for a writ of certiorari from the Supreme Court before the appellate court issues their opinion.

Here are some highlights from the motion for writ of certiorari.
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