Rhonda Ezell v. City of Chicago

Legal History
A look back at a case that was used against us for many years. Today, it can be used in our favor to combat any attack on our Second Amendment protected rights through “it isn’t really an arm”.
(3300 words)

We reverse. The court’s decision turned on several legal errors. To be fair, the standards for evaluating Second Amendment claims are just emerging, and this type of litigation is quite new. Still, the judge’s decision reflects misunderstandings about the nature of the plaintiffs’ harm, the structure of this kind of constitutional claim, and the proper decision method for evaluating alleged infringements of Second Amendment rights. On the present record, the plaintiffs are entitled to a preliminary injunction against the firing-range ban. The harm to their Second Amendment rights cannot be remedied by damages, their challenge has a strong likelihood of success on the merits, and the City’s claimed harm to the public interest is based entirely on speculation.
Rhonda Ezell V. City of Chicago, No. 10-3525, slip op. at 3 (7th Cir. Jul. 12, 2011)

Wow, that is powerful language from the Seventh Circuit court. They are saying that the lower court done messed up, big time. You don’t normally think of the Seventh Circuit court as siding with The People on anything, much less a Second Amendment challenge.

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Thoughts so simple even Joe Tacticool can do it.

Saw this via Mas Ayoob.

Eyes Wide Shut

You HAVE to keep BOTH eyes WIDE OPEN, or you will DIE!!!! Ok, skippy. If you can’t hit the target with both eyes open, you might as well have your eyes wide shut. I would much rather you close an eye and get the hit quick, than to keep them both open and miss. Well, you have to shoot a pistol mounted optic with both eyes open. No, no you don’t. Some people have to close an eye to shoot, regardless of what sighting system they use. Some people have to even squint an eye. If that is what it takes to get quick, accurate hits, then do it, and don’t pay any attention to what someone what has not seen the world through your eyes has to say.

Slaying of the Sacred Cows… or things I think about late at night (everyone has to have an article title something like this….) – Thinking Man’s Corner (apiprodigy.com)


There is plenty more in the link. Agree or disagree if you wish, but I laughed and was constantly nodding my head.

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