Thats a lot of idiocy and antisemitism

A Palestinian youth terrorist, Wadee Olayyan, attempted to stab an Israeli border guard in Jerusalem.

The internet has turned him into an example of how heinous the Jews are for murdering children.

Hamas already stated that Olayyan was one of their fighters.


Of all the takes I’ve seen on this, the dumbest and worst has to be this:


We have covered time and time again on this blog how dangerous knife attacks are.

Time and time again, we’ve said the best thing to bring to a knife fight is a gun.

We’ve stood by American cops who have shot people armed with knives when the anti-cop activists say stupid shit about how the cop like how he should have tried to disarm the man with the knife.

Here, this fuck-wit is demanding that Jews disarm a Hamas terrorist armed with a knife bare handed. Because Krav Maga is magic or something.

That’s stupid.

Moreover, demanding that the Jews hold themselves to such high standards in the face of potentially lethal Palestinian terrorism is an antisemitic double standard.

A lot of idiocy and Jew-hatred in one post.

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Sweet Sixteen.

I was checking other blogs commenting on their anniversaries and I forgot all about this one.

Last January 10th, we have made it all of 16 years of existence.

It almost did not make it past the 8 months because WordPress managed to crash and for a while I was certain I lost all my work, but I did manage to recover a lot.

These were my first posts. Damn I still can’t write for crap.

We are the New Negroes. – Gun Free Zone

Working on a Gun Free Zone – Gun Free Zone

And the required good music to celebrate.

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GD&T, oh my, I still don’t get it.

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!” attributed to Sir Walter Scott, 1808.

Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing, or GD&T, is a system of symbols, definitions, and practices designed to eliminate miscommunications between the description of an item and its real-world implementation. It removes unintentional deceptions.

This was supposed to be sharing my understanding, instead it highlights, to me, that I do not fully understand.
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Jackson v. San Francisco (9th Cir. 2014)

Legal History
A look at a decision in the Ninth Circuit where The People lost.

Today, that lose is a win. The Ninth and, by reference, the Seventh have given The People powerful case law to fight the rogue states and courts.
(1600 words)

Sometimes bad case law gets unusually good results.

This appeal raises the question whether two of San Francisco’s firearm and ammunition regulations, which limit but do not destroy Second Amendment rights, are constitutional. We conclude that both regulations withstand constitutional scrutiny, and affirm the district court’s denial of Jackson’s motion for preliminary injunction.
Espanola Jackson V. City and County of San Francis, 746 F.3d 953 (9th Cir. 2014)

We can see just how well the Ninth Circuit honors the constitution. The unqualified command is “shall not be infringed”. It doesn’t say “shall not be destroyed”. The arrogance of these rogue judges drives me mad.

The law being challenged was a gun storage law and a ban on hollow point ammunition. The Ninth made interesting findings about the conduct implicating the Second Amendment. They then said that since the infringement didn’t destroy the Second Amendment protected right, that intermediate scrutiny should be applied.

Having decided on intermediate scrutiny, the state merely stated that they believed it would be good for the state, and the Ninth gave the infringement their stamp of approval.

We aren’t concerned about Jackson losing, that is done with, we care about the findings that we can use today.

Do Arm Storage Laws Implicate the Plain Text of the Second Amendment?

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