When I looked outside my window, I could clearly see two people (the Tsarnaev brothers) taking cover behind an SUV and engaging in gunfire.

via OnHand — Pictures of Tsarneav Brothers Shootout In Watertown, MA.

First go read the post and look at the pics…

OK guys & Ladies, post in the comment the first thing that comes to your mind if you were in the author’s situation.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

23 thoughts on “Pictures of Tsarneav Brothers Shootout In Watertown, MA”
    1. That’s probably the best bet, really. In retrospect, we know that a good flanker could have scored a couple of headshots and ended it, but during, you don’t know who is who, and police in this kind of area have a notoriously low opinion of people who try to help them.

      Even if said help does a better job than the police. ESPECIALLY if said help does a better job than the police.

      1. It is dark outside and the police do not know that you are a good guy, just more fire from the direction of the bad guys… 🙁

  1. You know, my AR would have made short work of the both of them. As soon as I id’d them as shooting at cops, I’d have waxed them both.

    Shoot the one in back first so the one in the front doesn’t know what happened. With the confusion he’ll likely never know that I’m shooting. Flank attacks are like that.

    1. That’s a really bad idea even if you’re certain the guys being shot at are definitely the bad guys. The police scored a headshot on the author’s roommate’s chair(which he fortunately wasn’t sitting in at the time) while ignoring him. If they’d heard another set of shots, they probably would have started shooting at you as well.

      Though given the police managed to hit a second-story room in a house next to the street while shooting at guys in the middle of the street, perhaps that’s safer.

      1. I disagree. The cops can’t see you, the sounds of you firing won’t be clear enough to determine where you are, and if you do it right, the bad guys will be dead and the gun fire will stop.

        1. Until Forensics notes that they both have bullet wounds of a caliber inconsistent with what the police were using, from a direction that no police were in position to fire from, and they start looking for a vigilante to arrest.

          Don’t pick sides in a fight to the death unless you’re ABSOLUTELY SURE the other party is the one that needs to die. If the police are already involved, it’s usually best to stay out of the way. Law Enforcement do NOT like civilians doing their job for them.

  2. First thought: “that would have been a hell of a lot shorter if he’d had a long gun.”
    Second though: “what calibre do you use for terrorists?”

  3. “I don’t know who these guys are, I don’t trust the police after the ones in L.A. shot up two random vehicles and murdered two innocent bystanders, and if I start shooting, the police are just going to start shooting at me. Hope the good guys win.”

  4. The police shot a second floor room across the street from the guys they were shooting at? And two rounds in their car (across the street)? Do these guys train at all?

    You know that line about “every bullet that goes down range is attached to a lawyer”? I think I’d be hiring a lawyer and going after the city – and I detest lawyers as well as lawsuits.

  5. I don’t know if I’d grab my 30-30 with the 3-9x scope or the AR with the Eotech. But qt that range, the Saiga 12 with 000 buck would work pretty well too.

  6. My first thought: thank God the state relieved me of the burden of carrying more than 10 rounds. Those extra ounces would have slowed me down from escaping the hundreds of bullets the cops are using.

  7. Whether or not it would have been a good idea to fire at the turds from his window or not….the photographer didn’t even think to dial 9-1-1 and LET THE COPS KNOW HE HAD A PERFECT FLANKING VANTAGE POINT?!?

  8. Maybe it’s all my years as a practicing coward… but, I think I’d be looking for some cover – hard. Trying not to be killed: not looking to make a killing on YouTube. Too many bullets whizzing around with “To Whom It May Concern” on them.

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