The study highlighted a strong correlation between firearm-related hospitalizations and poor outcomes after being discharged, including repeated hospitalization, commission of crime and death. A quarter of those hospitalized for a firearm-related injury were arrested for firearm-related crime within the next five years.

Researchers found that those hospitalized with a gun-related injury who had a prior arrest for gun-related or violent crime were 43 times more likely to be slain within the next five years than those without either.

The study also looked at patients’ prior alcohol or drug abuse as well as prior psychiatric history. Those who were hospitalized with a gun-related injury who had prior arrests for firearms or violence were 13 times more likely to be arrested over the next five years, while those with prior psychiatric history were only twice as likely to be arrested.

via UW study: Shooting victims more likely to die by gun in future | Local News | The Seattle Times.

This is an obvious NRA-Gun Manufacturers paid study as we well “know” that the only victims of gun violence are toddlers between the ages of two and twenty-four. [/end snicker]

This is not new info for a lot of us, We know that most of the murders and violence is commited by violent felons within their circle of criminals and the it goes out to

“Most violent crime is caused by a small minority of repeat offenders. One  California study found that 3.8% of a group of males born in 1956 were responsible for  55.5% of all serious felonies.43 75-80% of murder arrestees have prior arrests for a  violent (including non-fatal) felony or burglary. On average they have about four felony  arrests and one felony conviction.”
The Prevalence and Incidence of Arrest Among Adult Males in California, Robert Tillman, prepared for California Department of Justice, Bureau of Criminal Statistics and Special Services, Sacramento,  California, 1987

Besides the obvious attempt at power grab by the Gun Control Cults, what ticks me off is all that time and taxpayer’s money wasted trying to legislate the wrong group of people because there is no political testosterone to go after those hard-core criminals. So instead of devoting resources going after the predators, they waste time and other people’s lives trying to blame and restrict those who have nothing to do with the violence.

The Game of Stupid appears to be eternal.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Play Stupid Games with Stupid People gets you Stupid Prizes, study confirms.”
  1. But they were all law abiding gun owners until they weren’t!!111

    Never mind the fact that they’re repeat offenders, whereas most of us will never get arrested for ANYTHING, let alone convicted for a violent offense.

  2. They are going after precisely the target they despise, the decent armed citizen. They are the ones that stop threats like the recent BLM debacle in Nevada. They are the ones who can resist rioters and looters and the real criminals. Armed, they are citizens, disarmed they are slaves of the state.

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