As I posted before, the violent protests have suddenly become more quiet ever since it was revealed that they were affecting the polls against Joe Biden. I believe that it is too little, too late because we are up to the point we simply do not care and everything has become a blur of idiots just raising hell for no reason. Which leads us to a protest in Las Vegas last night.

If you went by what the protesters were saying (or not saying), Jorge Gomez was apparently mowed down by the evil LVMPD on his way to tend the oppressed after buying Skittles and iced tea at the local convenience store (that is sarcasm for those who will fail to get the joke).  A minority murdered by cops and I had not heard about this case? so I searched a bit and found out that Jorge was killed back in June during another “mostly peaceful” protest that ended in police having to used pepper balls. Mr. Gomez was legally Open Carrying and freely exercising both his First and Second Amendment Rights, that is indisputable.  But then he made one mistake that turned the tone of his actions:

He brandished his sidearm.

When the peaceful protest suddenly became turbulent and police fired tear gas to disperse the crowd, Gomez approached officers posted outside the federal courthouse.

One of them fired a nonlethal shotgun round at Gomez to try to back him off, police said. Gomez took off running and when he raised a gun in the direction of police, four Metro officers opened fire, authorities said. Gomez fell to the ground, mortally wounded.

The last minutes of Jorge Gomez’s life

The following are quotes from witnesses working for Las Vegas Sun newspaper and were present during the “peaceful protest.” (Bold are mine)

Police eventually let the crowd turn on Las Vegas Boulevard South. At least 100 remained, continuing the protest while keeping a distance from officers. This continued for another 15 minutes until officers ordered the crowd to disperse. Gomez stood near me on the sidewalk in front of Hennesey’s Tavern. It looked like he was trying to antagonize the police. Some of the other protesters pleaded with him to stop. They told him he was only going to make things worse. One of the protesters physically moved me away from Gomez when they saw he was holding a gun in his hands. — Kelcie Grega

Gomez, open-carrying an assault rifle and a pistol, pushes closer to two black protesters who are facing off with police. Apparently agitated by Gomez’s proximity to them, the protesters turn around and lecture Gomez for not following protocols of a peaceful protest and for being armed.

Gomez leans out from behind a cement pillar, taking cover at the Fremont Street parking garage. His pistol is out and low ready near his right hip. His eyes are fixed on the line of police shrouded in smoke, just yards away.

I told Gomez, “Hey man, you need to holster your weapon or someone is going to get hurt.”

He replied, “I’m not going to holster my weapon when our rights are being threatened”

I responded, almost pleading: “Yeah but, your finger is on the trigger and there’s only one thing that can happen from that point.”

The armed man turns his head slightly and gives a warning, “You need to stop talking to me right now.”— Wade Vandervort

If the statements are true, what we have here was not a member of a minority group mercilessly mowed down by a racist police department, but somebody who appeared to have the intention and actions to actually seek armed violence against cops. That is what the experts call “playing stupid games” and also the reason Gomez’s death did not achieve immediate martyrdom statute with Antifa/BLM and its media support group: Kinda hard to do so when the Media itself provides the evidence against it.

But, Gomez dead is now far enough back in time that it can be used for a night out in town to protest his death to those who may have not even herd about it before. “We are Las Vegas, baby! We can’t be behind on the protest thing!  Let’s make up a fake outrage and hit the streets!” which may or may not have been based on the fact that the family filed a federal lawsuit against LVMPD,  and if they win, they probably will get a nice juicy settlement from the city, right? I know, I am being skeptical of my fellow human being’s righteous intentions.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Protesting because it is what the cool kids are doing.”
  1. You guys are so great about digging out the facts about things!
    That’s why you are my first read in the morning, and my last read at night.

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