Yesterday the Senate report on Hunter Biden dropped.  He collected $3.5 million from the widow of the mayor of Moscow.

He got millions in business deals with Chinese companies that deal directly with the Chinese Communist Party.

The report is a damning indictment of the sort of casual graft that the Biden family engaged when Joe was VP.


The Breonna Taylor riots kicked off, U-Hauls full of signs and shields were delivered to the mob, every talking head is obsessed with the Kentucky AG being an “Uncle Tom,” and at 8:24 this morning, the Biden campaign announced that it will answer no more questions from the media, which isn’t asking about the Senate report anyway.

Did anyone else notice this or is my tinfoil hat too tight?

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Question for today”
    1. I don’t believe in ‘coincidence’ except when the word is used in describing objects occupying the same point in space/time.
      But that’s just me.

  1. As someone who has been through the background investigation for a clearance the continuing double standards for people like the Bidens and Clintons is just fucking jaw dropping.

    If I did something even a fraction of a fraction as bad as that, then my best case scenario would be having my clearance revoked faster than an SR-71 Blackbird could go from Dallas to Ft. Worth and becoming unemployable in my industry.

    More likely scenario would be a stint with the ex-Illinois governors in the Terre Haute Federal Pen.

    Yeah, yeah, I know. Rules for thee and all that . . . still doesn’t make me want to watch them all brought up for sedition and treason on CSPAN while I sip an old fashioned.

    1. And Hillary’s statement that she didn’t know it’s so much BS. I know you say through that horrid film where they show the FBI handcuffing the bad dude…

      If you have any sort of clearance or even work near classified materials you get a briefing every year telling you how to deal with that stuff.

  2. That Moscow thing is fun. Part of the narrative is that Russia is the enemy, so doing shady deals in Ukraine is ok because Ukraine is opposition to Russia.
    But unfortunately, taking a multi million dollar payoff from a Russian politician rather wrecks that narrative…

  3. If you follow theconservativetreehouse, it’s pretty clear that Barr is far more invested in a cover-up than in prosecuting those who have acted treasonously. He doesn’t seem to realize that we’re past the point where certain institutions can be preserved–we need to do the Hercules/Agean stables thing.

    IMO, the question devolves to when we’ll get to the point that ordinary citizens will start using ropes and lampposts or will go for Henry Bowman’s solution.

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