Over and over again the government has been disastrously wrong when it came to fighting COVID.

Should that surprise any of us?

These are the same people who created childhood obesity and Type II diabetes by eliminating PE “for the children” and publicizing a food pyramid that was created not by nutritionists but by the Big Ag lobby.


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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Quick thought on the government and our health”
  1. No surprise at all.

    There are a multitude of reasons, but committees and spreadsheets are top of my list. Some group of people who have no personal knowledge of the issue, get their information from a spreadsheet, and they make a decision. Net result, the decision is a failure because no spreadsheet, statistic, or data point tells the whole story. Nor does it apply universally.

    Add to that some desire for “equality” and the entire system is destined for failure. The spreadsheet says ____ demographic is getting sent to jail __% more often than another demographic. Some committee will get together to figure out a way to “add equality to sentencing guidelines” under the pretense that some bias is present. And, the results are evident all around us.

    This country was founded on the principle that your average person knows more about how to live well and take care of themselves than any amount of government could. The population is comprised of adults that can be responsible for taking care of themselves.

    Now, less than 250 years later, we are being told what to do by a 30 year old ex-bartender.

  2. 1)”Dunning-Krueger. Not just for the little people.”

    2) People talk about capital S “Science” as something that we should slavishly follow. It’s not that simple. Scientific method can get you to correct answers, yes, if done right. “Science” as practiced, is a human activity, as subject to delusion, fashion, stage 4 TDS and herd behavior as any other human activity.

    2) Folks wanting us to “follow the science”, themselves usually are not themselves capable of judging what they’re seeing. What they’re doing is deciding who to believe.

    1. As I’ve been putting it: I have absolute belief in science, but scientists can be bought and sold like Pokemon cards.

  3. “Science “ is not an exact science… especially when some are lying out their ass. Its only settled when liberals get their way. And aint it funny how giving liberals money fixes “scientific “ problems. Nothing is more expensive than a “free” gubmint program

  4. Hey im with you on the gov but now at least in my area things have swung so in the other direction in over correction that there are no longer vending machines or snack lines in schools and there is lots of focus on eating healthy and excersicing which is now causing many more children to devleop eating disorders than ever before.

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