Via Tom W. @ Facebook.

Shooting in Oregon last August.

Lesson One: The shooter had all the indicators of not being a nice person plus the big flag having his hands where they could not be seen. Bad juju there. Turned out that he had a gun and was ready to use it.

Lesson Two: The Idjit Attacker managed to hit the magazine release and shortened his firepower. A good thing for the Oregon Trooper.

Lesson 3: The Trooper was hit but he managed to place at least one good shot on the Idjit.

Responding officers found (Trooper) Zistel suffering a gunshot wound. They found Allen’s car a half mile down the freeway, parked on the shoulder. Allen was dead, shot once in the chest.

via Oregon State Police video captures fatal freeway shooting: ‘I’ve been hit in the side’ |

Last I heard, Oregon State Troopers carry the Glock 22 (.40 S&W) shooting the 165 grain Remington Golden Saber round, by any standard not a bad combination. Still the Attacker managed to pick up the lost magazine, reload, get back in his car and drive for a mile. I don’t think I need to explain much.

Points to ponder…

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Real Life Ain’t The Movies: A video with so many lessons”
  1. Trooper using cover, one good hit on the bad guy but that mag-drop screwed the bad guys mind set just enough and broke off the attack. He was set to kill that Trooper… 🙁

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