The more I listen to the far Left on the issue of the environment, the more I realize they don’t love the planer or the environment, they just hate human beings.

The Left daydreams about genocide, and the will use whatever argument is most convenient or prudent in the zeitgeist to justify a genocide.

From an interview with Gloria Steinem:

People argue that climate change and other issues are also feminist issues. What do we lose by broadening the meaning of the term?
“Are you kidding me? Listen, what causes climate deprivation is population. If we had not been systematically forcing women to have children they don’t want or can’t care for over the 500 years of patriarchy, we wouldn’t have the climate problems that we have. That’s the fundamental cause of climate change. Even if the Vatican doesn’t tell us that. In addition to that, because women are the major agricultural workers in the world, and also the carriers of water and the feeders of families and so on, it’s a disproportionate burden.”
This is just malthusianism recycled, again.
When Paul Ehrlich published The Population Bomb in 1968, he advocated for a one child policy, with forced abortions, and had been calling for it ever since.
This idea that humans would eventually use all of earth’s resources and starve was pushed by the likes of Ehrlich on the world in the 60’s so by 1973, Soylent Green was made of people.
But by this time there was a second green revolution, Norman Borlaug invented the first drought resistant genetically engineered crops, and won a Nobel Prize for saving a billion lives from famine.  Now China is suffering the fallout from its one child policy.
Ehrlich didn’t care about the earth.  He just hated people and wanted them to die.  Overpopulation was the justification he needed to call for the killing of billions.
Today, global warming or global climate change is the same thing.
If people like Gloria Steinem and Bill Nye really cared about the planet, they would be demanding the construction of thorium breeder reactors for energy, and building of dams and reservoirs in California to save water during the wet seasons for use in the dry seasons.
But they are not.  They just want to exercise their authority through bloodshed.
Hitler killed millions justified by eugenics popular in the early 20th century.
Stalin and Mao killed millions using collectivist economics as their justification.
Ehrlich wants to kill billions because he things there are too many people and they are suffocating the planet.
Steinem wants to kill billions because it is too warm.
All these Leftists want to do is create wanton carnage.  The only difference is the justification they use to get there.
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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Recycled Crap”
  1. The linchpin of progressive thought is coercion. “Do this, or else!”

    Even benign ideas like “Love your neighbor”, they can’t sell without force. It shows their mindset really, which is akin to a binary caste system with no social mobility. Eloi and Morlocks, basically.

    Like, being nice to your neighbor isn’t a bad thing. I’m nice to my neighbor because he’s good people and has a great family. I don’t need a gun to my head to tell me to do that. Progressives would have me being nice, but under duress. “Love thy neighbor or we will kill you…”

    They have a really negative outlook on their fellow man, and it’s really just projection. They are pathologically violent and they project those pathologies on everyone else by seeking to force “good” behaviors via coercion.

    If your ideas require force, they aren’t good ideas. If you try to use force to sell me on good ideas, you are a terrible salesman. Good ideas don’t require force.

  2. If Bill Nye really cared about the planet he would pick a coast to live on instead of flying back and forth between LA and NYC.

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