I guess stories about Lady Gaga & the latest Rappers releases does not drive enough for them to make a living, Rolling Paper Stones bring us this hard-hitting expose of The 5 Most Dangerous Guns in America (cue dramatic intro music.)

And the most dangerous guns are: Pistol, Revolver, Rifles, Shotguns and derringers … OK, you can stop laughing now.

Tune in for next month’s issue where they will do another expose on the number one item causing of death by drowning: Water.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Rolling Stone Magazine: Wikipedia Journalism.”
  1. 5 most dangerous people in America: Whites, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and Native Americans.

    This isn’t Wikipedia journalism. This is Mad Libs journalism.(And Wikipedia is actually a fairly decent reference.)

    1. Wikipedia cannot be trusted if there’s the least bit of political contention in the subject.

      These days that means you cannot trust 90% of Wikipedia.

  2. “And the most dangerous guns are: Pistol, Revolver, Rifles, Shotguns and derringers … OK, you can stop laughing now.”

    This article must have taken a lot of study. Up to Rolling Stone’s demanding standards.


  3. Lolololo! This has to be one of the most disconnected from reality pieces published by MSM that I’ve ever seen.

    Editor: “Guns are bad. Make an article”

    Journo: “This is what I know…”

    And where are the JDAM’s and smoothbore 155’s?

  4. My god, they can’t even copypasta from a children’s dictonary and get the facts straight. If your shotgun shells are “exploding” your going to have a bad time.

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