The Soviets killed anywhere between 20 and 60 million people.  There were so many people killed in so many different ways that historians have a margin of error of 40 million people.

Let that sink in for a second.

Given the enormity of that, one might think that it would be impossible to say one death out of those tens of millions is more notable than the others.  But out of all the millions killed by the Soviets, one stands out in my mind.

The assignation of Leon Trotsky.

Trotsky was a revolutionary.  He was a Soviet from the very beginning, before the Soviet Union existed.  He was a Red Army commander, fighting along side Lenin to win the Russian Civil War.  He was a founding member of the Communist Party.

He was murdered in exile in Mexico City, on orders of Joseph Stalin.

I keep this in mind because of the importance of this lesson.  It doesn’t matter how vital a man was to the Communist movement.  Arguably, without Trotsky, the Communists may not have existed as they did.  Once he fell out of favor with the party, his days were numbered.

Rare was the Communist who died of old age, peacefully in his bed.  At some point, as revolutionary as he may have been at the beginning, he was declared  traitor to the cause.

Enter Rose McGowan.

Rose McGowan was  leading Hollywood Celebrity voice in the #MeToo movement.  She was unabashedly calling out Hollywood on their hypocrisy on sexual harassment and why Hollywood women protected powerful rapists. 

This should have solidified her pro-woman bone fides.

Rose McGowan was not going to be allowed to die of old age, peacefully in her bed.

Simply calling out sexual harassment of women wasn’t enough.  She committed the mortal sin of not specifically calling out the harassment and rape of trans-women.  In Progressivism, woman are second class to trans-women, so just speaking on behalf of women isn’t obsequious enough of the hierarchy.

Some angry trans-woman decided to heckle McGowan at her own event.

Social Justice responded exactly as you might expect.

The subsequent backlash against McGowan’s “transphobic,” “white feminist,” “TERF” (trans exclusionary radical feminism) opinion has caused McGowan to cancel her remaining appearances.

Rose McGowan was a revolutionary against Hollywood abuse.  At the speed of today’s new cycle, she outlived her usefulness in a couple of weeks.  The party moved on and Progressive Social Media decided to stick an ice axe in her skull on Twitter in a bookstore.

This is the critical lesson for anyone who thinks of aligning themselves with this movement.

No matter what you do, or how important you are today, you will eventually fall out of favor with the party and will be destroyed by them.





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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “Rose McGowan and the SJWs”
  1. McGowan didn’t do anything to “another woman”. She refused to be told what it’s like being female by a male lunatic.

  2. ” She committed the mortal sin of not specifically calling out the harassment and rape of trans-women.”

    I wasn’t aware that this was a problem. How many trans-women are there and how many of those have been assaulted? The numbers have to be less than 100,000/1000.

    1. The numbers are bad. The problem with the numbers being bad is that so many trans women are prostitutes. Like actual, street walking, doing the deed under a bridge, prostitutes.

      SJWs will tell you that is because America is transphobic and hates trans women and they have nowhere else to turn but to prostitution.

      Everybody else will tell you that that trans women are like severe drug addicts and that prostitution is a co-morbidity of a severe mental illness. Enabling them makes most of them worse, not better.

      1. Hm. Then again, I know 4 or 5 as acquaintances. Two are professional programmers, and one is a firearms rights activist. Don’t know what the others do for a living.

  3. The SJW’s are destroying themselves- bring popcorn. This is not how you make friends and influence people.

    This is the sort of signal transmitted when a movement passes the viability event horizon, and is sucked forever into the black hole of irrelevance.

    Every time they call someone out for not being sensitive enough, they lose more people willing to “live and let live”. We’ve already past the point where a majority give a fsck about the pore opresseded minority of the moment. Which is why the screeching grows louder and louder- because fewer people are listening.

    The reserve of Fscks to Give is gone, and the reserve of S#its to Give is dangerously depleted.

    1. Well that’s how it ‘progresses’. More and more get ‘purged’ so that a few rise to the top and make all the rules while everyone else is to afraid to say anything in case they might be next.

      That is true equality.

      1. The “afraid to say anything” eventually runs out of steam- and is followed by a preference cascade against those at the top.

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