If you follow anti-gun politics in the US, this headline won’t surprise you.

Do gun violence prevention groups have a race problem?

Nurah Abdulhaqq was 12 when she lost a family friend to gun violence – an experience that inspired her to make a change. After the student-led protests against gun violence in 2018 following the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school in Parkland, Florida, she got involved as a violence prevention organizer. “I knew that I could lend a different perspective as someone who not only has lost someone close to me to gun violence, but who also lives in an area affected by the school-to-prison pipeline and poverty,” she said.

But instead she often found her viewpoint sidelined, especially in the large national-facing violence prevention groups she found herself interacting with, said the Atlanta-based activist, now 19.

“There was really not a discussion on Black and brown youth,” she said, or of the fact that gun violence has been the leading cause of death for Black male teenagers and young adults.

Abdulhaqq wasn’t alone. According to a new study from UCLA, young Black and Latino organizers commonly reported being marginalized in their work at large, national gun violence prevention groups over the past four years – including “being tokenized, silencing of racially conscious organizing and expectation to educate white peers on racism”.

Moms Demand Action, Everytown, these groups are filled with upper middle-class, Progressive, white women.  There is no more patronizing group of shallow virtue signaling people than that.

These experiences were especially concerning, researchers found, since many young organizers started their work after the violent death of a loved one or peer. The findings echo the criticisms many large, national gun violence prevention groups – which are often run or were founded by white people in the aftermath of high-profile mass shootings – have faced in recent years for their lack of diversity.

Upper middle-class white women are a demographic most likely to become professional activists, because they’re bored and have the time and financial resources to be professional meddling busy bodies.

Some participants in the study said that these national organizations – which have millions of dollars in budgets and connections to legislators and news media – don’t meaningfully focus on the daily community gun violence that primarily affects low-income Black and Latino people, and instead focus their attention on high-profile mass shootings and school shootings. Others said that their insights into the root causes of community gun violence in Black and Latino neighborhoods weren’t included in their organizations’ national platforms.

These upper middle-class white women want to take your guns away because they are worried they will lose their child in a mass shooting.

Their kids don’t deal drugs on a street corner or go into the Barrio, so they don’t really care about poor minorities killing each other.

Even their prescribed solution to gun violence won’t work in those neighborhoods.

Trevon Bosley, a 24-year-old organizer based in Chicago, said that Black and Latino organizers being overlooked or outright ignored is indicative of broader inequalities in the levels of attention and compassion certain victims of gun violence receive. “We are just a tally mark in the newspaper,” he said. “When these mass shootings happen, you see the faces.”

Because Progressives don’t actually care about minorities.  Show me one Leftist policy that actually benefits minorities.  Every single one undermines the minority community and consolidates power to the Left.  Gun control is no different.

Bosley has long been involved in local violence prevention. In 2005, when he was seven, his cousin was shot and killed; the next year, his older brother was gunned down. Bosley said that organizing became his outlet. “After having these losses I had a lot of anger, and to use that to do something positive was the right thing. That’s what my brother would want,” he said.

As his profile and experience as a local organizer grew, Bosley began working with the local chapter of larger groups that were focused on stopping mass shootings. He quickly found that many of his new suburban peers weren’t interested in sharing resources and mutual support with people in his neighborhood. “They wanted to use it for résumé building,” he said.

Case in point, David Hogg.  He’s the zenith of anti-gun activists.  He accomplished nothing that makes anyone safer, but got into Harvard, and made him self rich and famous with his activism.  Why actually help poor black people when there is influencer fame and fortune to be made.

In every way, white Progressives are the most racist people you will ever meet.

How many memes and Tweets have you seen that say “if black people bought assault rifles, Republicans would ban them immediately.”

It should be no surprise that their anti-gun groups are just as racist as every other group and policy they come up with.

It’s going to be fun watching their anti-gun groups get canceled for being bigots.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Scratch a Progressive, find a racist – anti-gun edition”
  1. I always ask these types if they “lost” someone to a car wreck….. wheres all the car violence groups??? Fuk these fukkin whining little pussies. Buncha victims. Guns are the ONLY tool blamed for “needless death”. Haven’t heard a whisper from “officials” about the “drug epidemic “ have ya?? 80 to a hundred THOUSAND a year( not that I really care, just an example) and no body wants to go after drug dealers…
    Yawn, another mis informed moron bleating “take away guns”… as history said- come and fukkin take it…

  2. Promoting inner city gang violence doesn’t bring in donation money. They need straight, white males using ‘assault weapons’ to get any funding and political traction.
    There’s a meme on Twitter/X from a black gun advocate that says the only ones trying to disarm him are leftists.

  3. Meanwhile, on the “raaaaacist” pro-gun side, who hasn’t heard of Colion Noir and watched at least one of his videos?

    1. Well, me. Certainly I know who he is, have read some things he’s written, and listened to interviews.
      But I have not, in fact, watched one of his videos. (Generally videos just aren’t my thing.)

  4. I hope your correct J.Kb. about the racist anti-gun groups being cancelled for being bigots. But I believe from what I have learned that some of the wealthiest Americans, support these bigots. Soros and Bloomberg being the main contributors. There is no cancelling-out a bigot with unlimited funding. Still, I hope I’m wrong.

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