DETROIT (WWJ) – The Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality is challenging what it’s calling the Detroit Police Department’s irresponsible rhetoric defending vigilantism.

“We are appalled at recent statements made by the Public Information Department of the Detroit Police Department and attributed to the Chief which separate which separate the so-called ‘good citizens’ from the ‘bad citizens,’ suggesting individuals that shoot someone in defense of their home will have the full support of the Detroit Police Department as ‘good Americans,’” said DCAPB spokesperson Ron Scott, in a statement.
Group Condemns ‘Irresponsible Detroit Police Rhetoric Defending Vigilantism.

Sweet Mother of Thor. What kind of idiots would even try to rehash this 1970s Gun Control line of BS? Are these guys taking money from Criminal crews?  I cannot imagine anybody (rational) in the 21st Century US that would have a beef with anybody defending his abode.

I am not that naive to think that there are organized “gun safety advocates” that think people should be forced to retreat even in their own homes, but even CSGV knows better than make that idea public as they would risk losing more people and money than they already do.

If anything, the Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality is another indicator why Detroit is suffering the social maladies that makes it the armpit of the country, We can only hope that more common sense as demonstrated by Chief Craig becomes the norm.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Self Defense = Vigilantism?”
  1. It’s a Democrat-controlled city — the gangs are an arm of the Party; citizens capable of self-defense makes the primary business of the gangs more dangerous, and so it’s a Bad Thing.

  2. Detroit Police Chief James Craig is walking away from the Democrat plantation. They cannot allow that. He is thinking for himself. And now he is allowing / making Detroit citizens think and act responsibly themselves.

    This scares the city’s political class. Next thing you know, he might start investigating political corruption. I fully expect his contract will not be renewed, or they will find an excuse to fire him.

  3. I was Born & Raised in Detroit & left after 47 years. No one rational believes Self DEFENSE is Vigilantism, which is an OFFENSE act. Such Leftism & Government Corruption is what Destroyed the City and caused most of the “Good Citizens” to leave the City &/or State, as I did.
    At least it lost its Title as “Murder-Capital-of-the-World.”

    Why do we even hear from a ‘Coalition Against Police’ group??
    I worked in law enforcement & State Corrections… I’m sure I met this crowd of criminals who dislike people defending their homes.
    God Bless Chief Craig and all who oppose the criminal element which denies our most basic Freedoms and Liberty.

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