A Senate panel on Thursday approved a measure defining a journalist, which had been an obstacle to broader media shield legislation designed to protect reporters and the news media from having to reveal their sources.

via Senate Panel OKs Measure Defining a Journalist.

Why do I have the feeling this one is gonna be a really scary/dangerous thing for the First Amendment?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Senate to define who is a Journalist: What could possibly go wrong?”
  1. I hear ya. The working definition is broad enough that even the #justablogger crowd might be covered. For now.

    The problems are that vagueness, and the fact that once defined, the definition can be re-written at a whim. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are (mostly) sacrosanct because of the lack of a definition of what constitutes “speech” and “the press.” Define “speech” as “spoken word,” and you’ve killed the Internet and dead-tree media (and to a lesser extent, radio and TV; it’s digitally tranmitted, not spoken live). Define “the press” as “reporter from an established news organization,” and you’ve killed independent journalism/blogging and made it much more difficult to build NEW news organizations.

    I think if this passes, it’ll be another tool for the .gov to use/abuse. And when was the last time they had a tool they didn’t abuse?

  2. Very soon, we may need the Second Amendment to preserve the First Amendment.

    Wait a minute… If I vote by bullet instead of by ballot, is that protected by the 1A? (Nyah Ah Ah!)

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