I almost feel guilty about faxing the store.

Caller: “I’ve been hearing reports about your store, the particular location, enacting a gun prohibition policy?”

Store: “Yeah, that was a misquote on Facebook. We never had a sign up… They put it in there, and we are trying to get it taken down… But we don’t have that sign on the store… They put a bunch of information on Facebook that wasn’t accurate.“

via Moms Demand Action caught lying… Again! | Hypocrisy and Stupidity of Gun Control Advocates (click on the link to hear a recording of the conversation).

And Bob Owens went one further:

To cut through the chaff, I called Staples corporate offices to ask them about how they handle store weapons policies. Specifically, I wanted to know whether individual store managers had the authority to make these sorts of policy changes on a store-by-store basis, or if the chain directs stores to comply with state laws.


I also asked them about this specific incident.


According to Staples, their corporate policy is to follow applicable laws in the states in which they operate, which is a standard followed by the majority of retailers of every kind. Individual Staples stores and their managers do not have, and have never had, the authority to set more restrictive policies on their own.


In the specific instance of the Arlington, VA Staples store in question, the manager did not post signs prohibiting legal carry of firearms, and did not even verbally agree to post signs  prohibiting the legal carry of firearms to the best of corporate’s knowledge.

Put in the plainest possible terms, store managers do not have the authority to change corporate policy on a whim, and Moms Demand Action is not only being deceptive in their claims, they are also wasting their time as they descend up stores in groups and attempt to bully unfortunate store managers into compliance with their prohibitionist views

Gun Control Activists: If their cause is so righteous, why do they need to lie?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “So Moms Demand Action lied about Staples.”
  1. They lie because that is all they have. Strip away the emotional baggage they all indulge in and the cold light of reality and logic says they are little despots trying to trample on our rights. Think about their entire approach. They want to take away a Constitutionally recognized and God-given right of self-defense and in exchange they give you nothing. That is a hard sell unless you resort to lies and intimidation.

  2. Moms Demand Action lie about a lot of things. They’re basically Rob Reiner’s crew from the Butt Out episode of South Park.

  3. Yes, they have lost the policy debate, the academic debate, the constitutional debate and the legal debate. All they have are lies, but that describes nearly all of the “progressive” movement’s policies since 1990. In 1900 Teddy Roosevelt could be excused for thinking that “progressivism” was a good thing, though you can easily argue that the entire movement was based on deception from the start. After 1990, the movement has moved into ever greater levels of deception, including the worst, self deception. It is all they have, and they are clinging to it like a drowning man clinging to a leaking rubber duck.

  4. Yep, without facts, you only have emotion and lying as available tools. Character isn’t a requirement for anti-liberty types. I frequent that particular Staples and never saw any sign that didn’t advertise something on sale. The folks that work there are great, and certainly don’t deserve to be used and abused by time-wasting liars.

    1. Lies and emotional appeals (and misinformation) are indeed all they have, but the sad reality is that those ‘tactics’ work extremely well, and have for a very long time. Just look at how many people willingly accept that barry didn’t LIE about o’care, he just ‘mispoke’.

  5. It reads like some “third party”- I wont make a guess who, actually posted a sign at the store in question. A non-approved sign. Is that correct?

  6. “Mom’s Demand Victims” is a group that is well-funded and coached by Bloomberg and his cronies, so it’s no wonder that they operate in much the same way.

  7. Quick: Let’s grab our camo and sling our AR15s over our shoulders to ‘celebrate and promote’ the newest member of the obviously pro-gun league. We can all buy office supplies while open carrying and hope corporate sends us all cookies and coffee (from Starbucks, probably).

    Mom’s Demanding Attention is a joke. Let’s hope they stay the only attention-demanding group in this conversation (this time).

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