By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “So your neighbor’d dog poops in your yard, that is cute”
  1. It is amazing what you get used to and what you don’t.

    I spend good portions of my day handling explosives or chemicals that will dissolve you to the bone before you have time to run to the chemical shower. And I’m fine with that.

    I would never take a job that requires me to poke a 14 foot alligator with a stick.

    1. Dad tells the story that when he worked on the construction of the Michaud Plant (New Orleans) that would make the Saturn V first stage boosters. They moved the tank arm 10-ft from the planned location because one corner stake was in a shallow pond. A week earlier they had pulled a 9-ft gator out of a similar sized pond. For some reason, no one had enough hair to plant that stake.

  2. If you live in Floriduh, you have to assume that any body of water that is more than 1 inch deep has a gator in it. It’s just a fact of life here.

  3. Why don’t they just fire two or three shots in the brain, and cart the carcass away? It isn’t like there is a shortage of these dangerous things in Florida.

  4. So i’m watching this and pondering:

    If the really dangerous part of the gator is that damned mouth fulla teeth, where all the power is on the CLOSING muscles and hardly any in the OPENING muscles…Why not have a length of rope on the end of that stick with something the gator can chomp down on, then just whip that rope around the jaws a few times to trap it shut?

  5. Finally got the chance to watch this video, and my only thought is “why are they torturing that gator?”

    Look, I understand the danger to life and property. I understand that when wildlife get habituated to humans it increases the risk of injury. But, seriously! They had that gator on a rope, but insisted on harassing it repeatedly. You have the animal contained, but are doing stuff to agitate it? Why?

    It is people that have such a casual disregard for animals that end up being serial killers. Hunters take their animals quickly. Animal control does the same, quick with minimal agitation to the wildlife. Why? Because an agitated wild animal is significantly more dangerous.

    And, the problem I have with these guys. They have the animal under control. And, instead of moving it, or keeping it contained until animal control can arrive, they are pissing it off. Apparently for no other reason than they want to torture it.

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