“There’s some information that suggests that some of these manufacturers build their sales models on an assumption that at least 20 percent of the weapons will get sold illegally. So the industry is even building on the assumption that this is happening out there and there are many reasons this is the time to respond.”

via Rep. Sarbanes: Some Gun Makers Build Sales Models on Assumption 20% ‘Will Get Sold Illegally’ | CNS News.

Of course he will not share where he got this super-duper info. Probably because he either made it up or read it in a Gun Control website somewhere. As much as I try to figure it out, I see no logic behind that statement: regardless of the percentage of guns stolen, gun companies do not make a profit on them.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Stupid Representative is Stupid.”
  1. There’s just not enough room in this little comment box to write he is a FOOKING LIAR!!!, with the proper emphasis.

  2. He got confused with eric holder and the drug cartels.
    Does anyone know if the Police/Military still go AWOL down South of the Border and take the munitions, that WE supply, with them?
    Gota count the above in the percentages to be fair, don`t ya know….. 🙁

  3. Actually, he didn’t “make it up.” Someone else made it up, he’s just quoting. There is supposedly a court case where someone once testified that the “gun industry” oversupplies the market because they know some specified percentage will end up in the illegal market.

    We all know what secret testimony in a sealed case quoted by someone else is worth.

    1. It’s from the NAACP case against the manufactures from ’99. The paid a professional witness, Lucy Allen, to make a ‘report’ which was then sealed outside of a few quotes.

      Anti’s like Feinman and Lori Oneill repeat it regularly.

  4. That’s nothing. Games developers have to make their products with the knowledge that around or over 50% of the “sales” will be illegal.

    Loss is a part of business. Deal with it.

    1. Clearly some/most anime has got to feature fanservice because they expect sales to be down because of illegal acquisitions. They need to promote these ‘fanservice-y’ content or else their sales suck.

      Clearly I am sleep deprived and yet I’ve also made a case or something. This thing is just stupid. Wonder if we can FOIA that report.

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