We cannot legally sell rifles to New Yorkers as private citizens.

We will not sell arms to agents of the state of New York that hold themselves to be “more equal” than their citizens.

As long as the legislators of New York think they have the power to limit the rights of their citizens, in defiance of the Constitution, we at Templar will not sell them firearms to enforce their edicts.

Templar Custom is announcing that the State of New York, any Law Enforcement Departments, Law Enforcement Officers, First Responders within the State of New York, or any New York State government entity or employee will no longer be served as customers.

via Templar Custom Announces New York State Sales Policy.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Templar Custom added to the ones saying “Up Yours” to Gov. Cuomo and the NY Legislature.”
    1. The ball’s only just started rolling. Wait for it.

      Part of the reason smaller companies have been quicker is that it takes fewer people to make a decision. A place like Colt or S&W has a lot more oversight and red tape they have to go through before they can refuse service to an entire geographic sector.

  1. How about you, Remington?
    You live in this Democratic hell hole.
    Start with this and then get ready to move to [pick your free state].

  2. Although I cheer these companies on… and have moved them to the top of my shopping list when I am next in the market for their products… one wonder how much business with them New York governmental agencies actually do.

    We need one of the major players — Glock, Smith & Wesson, Colt, etc. — to come on board. I propose a letter writing campaign from the general public encouraging them to join the boycott.

  3. I’m certainly glad this is happening, but I wonder if this decision will also apply to places like CA et al which have had these restrictions for years now.

    1. Avalanches can start with just a small amount of movement. Once they get going, though, they’re darn hard to stop and tend to not worry about little things like “state lines” and stuff.

      Texas is open for any who wish to move out of New Yawk and/or Kaliforn-i-aye…companies, and their employees. C’mon over, y’all!

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