As seen over at Wirecutter’s

That would be the American Hunters, all 16.9 million of them.

Granted, these shots are taken by masters in their craft with damned good equipment, but the principle is the same.

Some in the Opposition are trying their utmost to create an event that would lead to a police and/or military response against Gun Owners. That would not be a wise course of action.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “The Biggest Sniper Corps in the World”
  1. I wonder how many hunters believe that the other side isn’t coming after them, because they don’t have AR-15s or other “evil guns”? Probably not as many as the Astroturf purveyors would like us to believe, but still, I worry.

    1. This video provides them w the proof they need to take all of the hunting rifles, those long rang snipers killing machines are to dangerous to society to be in private hands. If hunters don’t start waking up they will have U.K. or Australian style hunting. Drive two hrs to a certified range, show two government IDs and your gun ownership license, check you gun out of the vault and take it to the designated firing line, fire you five shells and return gun to vault.

  2. Add up ALL the cops in the USA….then add up all of us….yeah it wouldnt be pretty, but I think it would be quick..or like Connecticut crickets..

  3. If you get the Pursuit ch 393 on Dish. There is a show King of 2 Miles it is a long range shooting competition where hits on multiple targets earn points. The first target is at around 1770 yards and goes out to two miles. From the target side you don’t even hear the shoot

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