And they sill end up selecting the stupid choices.

So what are the awful killings that have the New York Times a Taco Joint and the Brady Bunch riled up?

The police in Indianapolis on Thursday faced mounting pressure to provide answers for a traumatic eight-hour stretch in the city in which police officers killed three people: a man shot by the police while he streamed the encounter live on Facebook; a pregnant woman who was fatally struck by an officer’s car; and a 19-year-old man who may have called 911 to lure the police to an apartment before firing at them.

Indianapolis Police Face Growing Questions After Killing 3 People in 8 Hours

If you go read the article, one started as a car chase and ended up in shots exchanged. The pregnant woman was hit by an officer with his car and the last killing was a failed ambush of an idiot with a rifle.

The first case apparently has no body cam video because th cop was off duty on his way home. I expect this one to be protested by the activists. In the second one, the woman was walking in the traffic lane of a highway off ramp. Why Brady decided that this is gun violence is beyond me The third one I expect plenty of body cam video and I figure will go not the way Brady expects which has been most of the cases since the devices became part of the cops’ gear.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “The Brady Bunch in the Times of Pandemic”
  1. RE: The pregnant lady —

    Was the officer carrying a gun and/or having one in the car? If yes, then “gun violence”.

    It’s not substantively different from “COVID-19 deaths”. Dead from COVID is counted, and so is dead with COVID, and now they’re throwing in dead with unrelated respiratory issues and sometimes dead of unrelated causes during pandemic for good measure.

    Just think of how many incidents on the Brady “school shootings” list, don’t actually fit their own definition of “school shooting”.

    So, someone was killed, and the killer had a gun. It no longer matters that the gun wasn’t used and didn’t factor in the death, it’s “gun violence”, and therefore more blood for them to dance in.

    1. As an aside, does this mean the Brady Bunch no longer believes that police should be the “Only Ones” with guns?

      Are they going to start pushing for the repeal of LEOSA, so that these “dangerous individuals” won’t be allowed to carry guns in public?

      If so, let me be the first to say, “Welcome to the party, pals!”

      (And also, “F@#k you for not believing us when we reminded you that ‘gun control’ groups are not your friends, and that the guy that gets eaten last … still gets eaten.”)

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