By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

15 thoughts on “The day the South declared war on Portland.”
  1. I think having to eat vegan BBQ is enough punishment for Portland. Now if they try to expand into other states, “of course you know, this means war.”

  2. On behalf of the rest of the residents of my city, I’d like to apologize. We do have good barbecue in this city — sure, it’s not up to the highest standards of the best stuff in the south, but it’s good. There’s still enough longshoremen and ship builders in this town to support real food.

  3. I second Ish, this bizarre excrescence is only found in the hipster enclaves. The Portland area has some perfectly good real barbeque places and even better as you move into the meat raising areas.

    1. A large plurality of people in who live in Portland are incredibly annoyed by the vocal minority of preening hipster-than-thou douchebags who are the public face of this city and wish they’d all drown themselves in the Willamette. A smaller plurality are equally annoyed and want them to drown themselves in the Columbia.

      1. LOL I have a good friend living in Portland, I think she is in the Columbia camp.

      2. Aren’t there lumberfolk in inland Washington and Oregon who want to break from Portland and Seattle and form the State of Columbia?

        1. Yes, there was paperwork filed to DC to create the state of Liberty by a congressman out of Spokane recently. It would break Washington in two, down the crest of the Cascades(follows current County lines). Whether this will be good for our economies is unknown but at least our vote will count again. 4 counties around Puget sound control the whole state as far as voting goes and those of us who care are tired of it.

  4. I forget where I read it (possibly a Jonah Goldberg column), but I read a comment a few years ago to the effect that, if meat is murder, it would take a special kind of sicko to eat a simulated version of the dismembered corpse.

  5. BBQ sauce on soy. Hmm. This is ‘lipstick on a pig’.

    Damn, even that expression doesn’t work.

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