But Cheng had a sense of what he could do. He’d been going to the range and hitting his marks; the best way to put his skills to the test, he figured, was to sign up and try out. He got in. Then he beat out veterans, police officers, and an Olympic shooter en route to winning that season’s competition. The first thing he did after his victory was take some of the $100,000 prize money and upgrade his National Rifle Association membership to lifetime status.

Then, last year, Cheng took to his blog to announce he was gay.

via The Gay Advocates of Gun Rights.

So he is a Gay Chinese-Japanese-Cuban-American Nerd. Gun Folks reacted strongly as he will not decide between a Glock or a 1911 as the best gun ever created.
Oh yes, the Lib/Progs are still trying to figure out what happened with their firmly held beliefs of NRA members being RacistHomophobesMisogynistEtc.

It is a bitch to be slave to your own misconceptions.

Hat Tip to Scott W.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “The Gay Advocates of Gun Rights”
  1. This is awesome. The more inroads that we can make with groups typically thought be in the opposing camp, the better. It always seemed to me like being pro-gun should come naturally to those who feel they are in a group that is more likely than average to be on the receiving end of abuse.

  2. “It is easier to be gay in a room full of Republicans than to be Republican in a room full of gays.” -Speaker for the Young Gay Republicans at the 2014 Colorado Republican State Assembly.

    1. When I wear a Pink Pistols t-shirt to the gun show, people ask me for more details about the group.

      When I wore a Log Cabin Repiblicans t-shirt to a Pride Week parade, someone threw a frappicino at me.

      These are anecdotes, not data, but it sure as hell has been easier to be a bisexual man amongst the GOP than for me to be a conservative man amongst the LGBT.

      Not that I plan on giving up my work for equal freedoms for either.

      1. I went to college in a small town in Indiana. There was one gay bar in the town, and once a month it hosted a drag show. My girlfriend had a friend that came out of the closet (with gusto) and would perform in costume. One night he invited us to see him sing.

        During the show, car alarms started going off. People ran outside to see a bunch of windows in some of the cars in the parking lot were smashed. But what I remember most was, as other people were in a state of shocked panic, one large gentleman, in a blue sequined dress, hiked up the hem of his gown and pulled a Glock out from his garter belt.

        I had to talk to him, it was at that moment that I learned out the Pink Pistols. At that time I was a member of JPFO. We got to chatting, and I’ve been a Pink Pistols supporter since.

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