J. Kb. beat me with his post, so I am going to do my post from another point of view.

At the end of the day, Hollywood dances at sound of  the bell of the cash register and not the chants of political cult members. This is why Hollywood made distribution deals with the Nazis till they overplayed their hand and their income went to zero.

And I do not care if you are an independent producer, unless you have the cash up front for a movie, banks will not take risks on you to do a film about a Black Islamic transgender pretzel vendor in Alabama who must bravely overcome the rejection of the local peewee badminton team.  That shit does not sell and banks hate to lose money and so will the producer when the loans come due.

In case anybody wasn’t paying attention, the Emmy’s are pretty much now the equivalent of a Girl Scout Merit badge in mushroom recognition: It is nice to have, but we can deal with it. Take for example NCIS which has been popular and making money since 2003 but has been nominated to the Emmys three times and won none. And how many Emmy winners went on to be cancelled after a season or two?  How long did it take for the Emmys to understand cable and then streaming? By the time they got with the program, it was too late.

And the Oscars have been politically correct for a long while now. You wanna win the statuette? Make a movie about somebody with a physical defect trying to overcome life or a woman or a minority that is a victim or gets victimized or weak sauce like that. Go ahead and check the list of winners let’s say for the past 30 or more years and see how many of the movies have a plotline like that? And no, it is not overcoming that is celebrated but the Social Justice behind.

The challenge to come is if people will get back to theaters and spend money there or will they spend the money at home. The streaming services are learning what works and what doesn’t and trying to produce either mass quantities (Netflix) or high quality (Amazon) and the benefited for this experimentation is the public.  (Apple and Disney are still getting their feet wet. $30 for streaming Mulan? Are you nuts?)

When TV became “official”, for the longest of times it was considered a sign of failure in the business for someone from Hollywood to work in TV.  Over half a century later, I really don’t see Hollywood surviving without the home telescreen and I believe the silver screen will not make it and neither are the Oscars.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “The Oscars moving to irrelevance.”
  1. My personal opinion is that the only things the Major Hollywood studios produce anymore that’s worth watching are widescreen historical epics or non-comic book based action adventure. While I’ll miss seeing something like the first Star Wars epic in a theater with a high quality sound system, I won’t miss film theaters all that much. I haven’t seen a picture based on its Oscar award since college, and haven’t even watched the Oscar Award Show, since at least the ’80s. So if Hollywierd wants to go full on woke crazy, fine with me.

  2. Hollywood will not produce blockbusters with black lead characters, no matter how “woke” they claim to be.

    Because China does not like seeing black actors.

  3. The big problem with the liberal elite is they have this belief that somehow good movies/stories/music has to be “classic” or “edgy” or “meaningful” in some way. Notice how I did not say entertaining.

    Hollyweird has moved from trying to entertain to trying to scold/educate/etc… And… as a result, they are losing customers. I recommend checking Larry Corriea’s take on the publishing industry for a good analysis.

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