This makes me sad in ways it’s hard to describe.

I grew up watching him with my dad.

Part of the reason I am the gun nut I am is because of Saturday mornings watching Shooting USA.

The gun world lost a great one today.

Rest in peace, Mr. Scoutten.  You influenced a generation.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “The passing of a legend”
  1. Dang! Look at that space gun he’s rockin’! Lemmie guess, an STI in 38 super? With a red dot, no less… in what, 1985?

    1. C-More was founded in 1993, but the name wasn’t used til 1999 – also the sight shown is the polymer-model, not the aluminium one (you can see that the logo on the side is raised not depressed).

      1985 is highly unlikely – it’s more like 2005.

  2. Lost a good one there.
    Too bad not enough people know who he is. He did influence a generation of gun culture.

  3. A giant in the industry, laid to rest, is a sad day to say the least. Been with him from the start. I’ll greatly miss him. The loss of another legend.

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