Kazbek Misikov stared at the bomb hanging above his family. It was a simple device, a plastic bucket packed with explosive paste, nails, and small metal balls. It weighed perhaps eight pounds. The existence of this bomb had become a central focus of his life. If it exploded, Kazbek knew, it would blast shrapnel into the heads of his wife and two sons, and into him as well, killing them all.

Throughout the day he had memorized the bomb, down to the blue electrical wire linking it to the network of explosives the terrorists had strung around them hours before.

Now his eyes wandered, panning the crowd of more than eleven hundred hostages who had been seized in the morning outside the school. The majority were children, crouched with their parents and teachers on the basketball court. The temperature had risen with the passing hours, and their impromptu jail had become fetid and stinking with urine and fear. Many children had undressed. Sweat ran down their bare backs.

via The School – C.J. Chivers – Investigation of 2004 Shooting at Russian School – Esquire.

A glimpse on the Beslan School Massacre while you get the book Terror at Beslan.

Thanks to Robert K. The Suburban Sheepdog.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “The School – C.J. Chivers – Investigation of 2004 Shooting at Russian School – Esquire”
  1. And the Subway bombing in 2010 which killed ONLY 40. Only..*snort* or the Moscow theatre raid which killed 129. Oh yeah the Chechens are about as much fun as falling into a winter sleeping den of rattlesnakes….

  2. Here’s a happy thought. Imagine them deciding to import that kind of crap to the american mainland,and since the 2 bombers were chechen muslims…whose to say they haven’t? plus their daddy is making threatening noises.

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