Sara Warren said Fort Collins police took her Ruger SR9, which she uses for personal protection in her job as a maid when visiting clients’ homes, after an accident required her to be transported to the hospital.

The police want to give it back, but a new universal background check law passed last year amid much controversy requires a Federal Firearms License background check.

Fort Collins police don’t have an FFL holder on staff.

via Colorado Woman Can’t Get Her Gun Back, Thanks To New Law | The Federalist Papers.

God forbid something happens to that woman because the dim wits of the Colorado legislature were sucking on Bloomberg’s money tit and passed such stupid laws.

I don’t know if it is possible, but a legal challenge to the Colorado Supreme Court should be done ASAP now that we have somebody who has been screwed by this legal idiocy.

Hat Tip to Scott P.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “The Unintended Consequences of Stupid Laws”
  1. …”money tit”… ?? I’m sure they were sucking something, just probably not a tit.

  2. Several comments mentioned that since they don’t have an FFL, how could they take possession of her ruger in the first place? State law doesn’t apply to LEO and elected officials?

  3. The most interesting thing for me was the police actually WANT to give the gun back.

    I guess Colorado’s LEO really are a cut above the rest.(Good work, FCPD. Please keep it up.)

  4. Doesn’t sound like a unintended consequence to me. Sounds more like a deliberately written facet of that law, written by San Francisco’s LCAV, who writes most of the bad gun laws, handed to Bloomberg, delivered to Colorado anti-gun politicians. And like California’s microstamping law, deliberately designed to lower the amount of firearms in possession by the citizenry.

  5. If something were to happen to the lady, they’d likely have a half a moment of concern, and somehow twist whatever happens into supporting their cause.

    Plus, using Anti-gunner logic, if something were to happen, it’s because she was an Eeee-vil gun owner, and karmatically brought it upon her own head.

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