Self-defense and the defense of the innocent are paramount.

The woman assaulting the Asian woman should not and cannot be allowed to hide behind “but it’s wrong to hit a woman.”

She deserved to have the fuck punched out of her any bystander who witnessed such a brutal assault.


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By J. Kb

14 thoughts on “There are times when it is okay to hit a woman, one was captured on video”
  1. Headline:
    “Asian women attacked, african-american woman hurt when punched by white male!

    During a heated discussion between two women a white male bystander attacked and punched an african-american mother of 3, the asian women was not harmed.”

    That would happen if you or I would intervene 😉

    1. Exactly. Ask George Zimmerman how that works. I am not intervening unless it is my family.

  2. Just be aware that if you stepped forward and punched the black woman, it’s very likely that the dozen or so of other black people watching (women, men, LGBTWGAF) might just join in and stomp your face. I can see wanting to help, but stuff like that can turn into a shitfest real quick.

    1. Hmmm, if I helpfully used up my OC spray on the puncher….I might have nothing left but HSTs for anyone who wanted to keep partying…

  3. Clearly a white supremacist committing a hate crime on an asian woman, because Trump.

    1. I was wondering too. Maybe he’s exercising “no duty to protect”. Or perhaps the cop is off getting a donut and isn’t in or near the car.

  4. “…the defense of the innocent are paramount.”

    Nope. Disagree totally.

    Sorry. Not doing it. Get involved in this situation to any extent other than yelling at both of them to stop is a one way ticket to an interrogation room. There is no possible outcome of stepping in that will not result in, at a minimum, a long series of uncomfortable questions.

    Exception. The woman was under your mantle of protection in some manner. Wife, sister, mother, employee, or employer. If you have a responsibility, legal or implied, to protect and defend the victim, that will mitigate, a small amount.

    Final note. Unless you witnessed the fight from the moment the two came into each other’s environment, you have no idea whatsoever who is the aggressor. Coming on two people fighting and intervening is a good way to help out an attacker.

    1. It depends on where you are.
      You’re right that in all cases you need to know who started the fight. But with that knowledge, you know who the victim is. Defending the victim provides “justification” in civilized states, at the very least for non-lethal force and also for lethal force depending on the threat. This is the case in NH, for example. The justification statute doesn’t depend at all on your relationship, or lack of it, to the defended party.
      It’s a separate question how hard it is to get the authorities to honor your rights under the justification statute, and that may well be a consideration. Here too it depends on whether you’re in a civilized state.

      BTW, I remember someone the other day pointing out that Liberals don’t recognize irony or humor unless tagged with smiley faces. The replies to the tweets are a marvelous proof of this — a large fraction of the responders thinks that “white supremacist” was meant seriously (and many of them even agree with it!)

    2. I can’t abide another Kitty Genovese, where people stand around and watch a woman be raped and murdered as she cries out for help.

      I don’t want to live in that society.

    3. Dude, we may disagree on the other topic, but in this, we are in total agreement.

      I would add that it doesn’t matter if you are correct or not, if force is permitted or not, if you are white, then intervene and use ANY kind of force against a black person, you WILL be pilloried for it.

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