Remember this from June?

Ten weeks ago the US Embassy in Kabul was apparently more concerned with its Pride display than getting ready for the withdrawal and evacuation us US citizens.

Now, if the Taliban were smart, they will hold onto those Pride flags, if they haven’t burnt them already.

Given how the Left is, if the Taliban hangs them out again in June, they can commit every other atrocity they want because virtue signaling is more important than substance to the Democrats.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “They can’t stop being a Woke buzzword spouting clown show”
  1. This shows a complete lack of understanding of the situation there. They poured money into the nation and tried to make it into the eastern annex of the US. The people there aren’t motivated by the same things as Americans are.
    They are Islamic. They don’t believe that humans should govern, as in a democratic or republican form of government. Instead, they believe that God should rule, as interpreted by his clerics. This is simply the Islamic version of the “devine right of kings.” For that reason, there is NO WAY that they will allow women, gays, or any other religion to have a seat at the table.
    Islam has been fighting over Sunni versus Shia for centuries, and the differences there are much smaller that what the US tried to impose upon the country.

  2. This is there Agenda, by there Words…
    By there Actions.

    Remember the adage…
    “America Falls from Within.”

    Be sure too Thank your United States Demokraut and RINO Politician.

  3. The words I’ve been using to explain things to my wife is “tribal.” Many of these third world shit holes are made up of tribes.

    When the Europeans came in and set up boundaries between ‘countries’ they didn’t take these tribal affiliations into account. So you would end up with a tribe that was partial in one country and partially in another country and they didn’t care about country except as the “country” gave them power over their ancestral enemies.

    These are tribes that have been fighting (not war) with each other for 1000(s?) of years. You don’t bring a tribal mentality into the 21st centenary in a dozen years. It takes decades of education and training.

    The middle east and that entire area of that world is a 3rd world POS full of tribes doing bad things to other tribes.

  4. I just watched an interview with an ambassador from an enemy nation (Pakistan). He sounded just like this — clearly he’s been studying Dem Wokespeak diligently to help protect his bosses.

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