The symbolism here so on point it’s laser-guided.

From The Hill:

Elmer Fudd will not have a gun in ‘Looney Tunes’ reboot

In a new series based on the beloved “Looney Tunes” cartoons, the classic character Elmer Fudd will no longer carry a gun.

The new series “Looney Tunes Cartoons,” which premiered last week on the streaming service HBO Max, will feature the cartoon’s characteristic violence – using sticks of dynamite, booby traps and the iconic anvils and bank safes dropped onto characters, The New York Times reported last week.

However, Peter Browngardt, the series executive producer and showrunner, told the outlet, “We’re not doing guns.”

“But we can do cartoony violence — TNT, the Acme stuff. All that was kind of grandfathered in,” Browngardt told the outlet.

Elmer Fudd is regularly foiled trying to hunt Bugs Bunny on the show. In the new series, the character will carry a scythe.

The Fudds kept saying “it’s okay to ban assault weapons, they will never come for our duck guns and deer rifles.”

HBO came in a took his side-by-side duck gun away.


Does this drive the point home any more?  Could it be any clearer?

After they take all the assault rifles and semi-autos away, they are come and take every Fudd’s deer rifle and duck gun too.  Even the original Fudd’s.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “They literally came for the Fudd’s gun”
  1. Be vewerry, vewerry quiet, I’m hunting wabbits, with my twusty TNT stick. ?

  2. “In the new series, the character will carry a scythe.”

    Why not make it a Machete or Sickle instead, or would that somehow be deemed ‘culturally insensitive’? Do they plan to dress him up in black flowing robes too?

  3. If they made it a Sickle they could put it in one hand and put a hammer in the other hand. The symbolism would be appropriate.

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