Seen in the CHAZ:

This isn’t a street fest or hippie commune.

This is a group that wants to create an oppressive, Leftist, communist movement.

You will not be left alone.

They want to tread on you and stamp out your existence because you disagree with them politically.

This flag makes their intent perfectly clear.

This is a declaration of war as far as I am concerned.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “This is a declaration of war as far as I’m concerned”
  1. “Stand your ground, don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”

  2. I would bet the majority of the children occupying the CHAZ just think it is a cute way to stick it to the conservatives. They probably do not realize the full intent of the symbolism. For that matter, they probably have no idea about the symbolism of the original Gadsens flag.

    By the way, since the autonomous zones seem to be popping up in other cities, maybe we need a way to differentiate them. I propose calling the one in Seattle the Seattle Capital Hill Autonomous Zone, or the SCHAZ. (I would pronounce that with a bit of a southern drawl, scuzz)

  3. They have obviously never tried to grab a rattlesnake with bare hands before.

    Poor ignorant sods.

  4. They can’t even have a little role playing without having to beg for food, water, various supplies. Hell, even the homeless robbed them.

  5. I agree with what appears to be their general collective (dyswidt?) haplessness.

    OTOH, it is plausible that they have among them some pipe-hitters, who know what that are about.

    Treating the entire mass as entirely made up of targets, may get some of Team FreeFor needlessly hurt.

    Although, personally, I still pray for a peaceful solution. Even if I consider the possibility that we may not get one.

    1. There are definitely some pipe-hitters in that crowd. They are using the freeloaders as cover.

  6. There was a video posted if some other location where a white hipster in a beard and black clothing was handing out money to PoC and directing them in their looting and vandalism.

    I believe that there is a cadre that is trained, supplied, and actively pushing for violence and revolution. There is a second group that wants the same things but are ignorant of the command and control of the cadre. Finally there are the useful idiots that have no idea what the chants and symbols mean, they just know that “things have to change”.

    This leads to plausible deniability. When “we” point to something and say “look, this means…” We are responding to the cadre, the MSM and people attempting balance only see the useful idiots.

    This leads to conversations where I’m told that the lists for donations for CHAZ are really right wing fakes as are the demands list. The only “real” list is that list of six in the wall. Not the published list of 31 demands.

    Nobody can even agree to what is happening in CHAZ because we can’t agree on what we are seeing.

    Everyone points at something and yells “fake”.

    This is what the media’s years of activism had lead us to.

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