From The Hill:

California approves task force to consider paying reparations for slavery

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed a bill Wednesday approving a task force to consider paying reparations for slavery.

Newsom said the bipartisan support for the bill, which passed in the state Senate on a 33-3 vote last month, is “proving a paradigm that we hope will be resonant all across the United States.”

The bill will require a commission study the lingering impact of slavery in the state and make recommendations to lawmakers by July 2023. The recommendations should include details on what form of compensation should be awarded as well as its recipients.

“California has come to terms with many of its issues, but it has yet to come to term with its role in slavery,” said Assemblywoman Shirley Weber, a Democrat who authored the bill. 

California was admitted as a free state. If California owes anything to any minority group, it’s the Chinese, but you know that’s not what they are talking about.

So what happens if they decide that California will pay reparations?

How many people who would qualify for reparations would move to California?

How many people who would pay into a reparations fund but not get reparations and leave.

Now I’m not suggesting the people who would move to California for reparations are bad or malicious, they are just humans as susceptible to perverse incentives as the rest of us.

What I do know is such a system would bankrupt California fast,  assuming there is anything left of the state that isn’t burned down by that point.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “This is one way to deal with your state’s population exodus”
  1. Oohhh! Memememe! I identify my honky self as black, and, further, self-identity as the progeny of slaves!

    Now, where’s my money?

  2. I am so sick of this crap.

    Leftists are once again saying that you should not be responsible for yourself. That if you are a loser, it is someone else’s fault. And, someone else should provide for your needs.

    In what bizarrio world is the CA Government living where they think something good will come from this?

  3. Let’s see if I’ve got this right. California became a state in 1850 as a FREE state, so slavery was never legal under state law. A number of escaped slaves made their way to California to live as free citizens. During the Civil War California remained in the Union, and supplied gold to help finance the Union war effort. So somehow, California taxpayers are now responsible to pay reparations for slavery? We are definitely living in Bizzaro World.

  4. Well, there are the indians and California did take a lot of their land. Weird how nobody’s talking about them when the topic turns to reparations. It’s almost like they’re not a big voting bloc for the Democrats …

    1. Then there are the Chinese, who were Jim-Crowed by CA legislatures for decades. And Japanese (including Japanese-Americans) who were locked up in concentration camps. Of course, that was done by St. Franklin, so it doesn’t count. 🙁

      One other interesting question: when this Danegeld is paid and black activists are still unhappy, what happens next? Another assessment? Will this become an annual event? I guess they can call it the “White Tax”.

  5. I never owned a slave. No one alive here was a slave. Are we now going to “visit the sins of the father upon the son” as perverse generational guilt?

    How about paying the Jews for Nazi Germany? After all we had the genocidal Holocaust, which was far worse than mere slavery. Hey, my heritage is that I am half German so should I give up half my wealth? Shouldn’t we have anyone who is Egyptian give up their money to atone for Israelite captivity before Exodus?

    Where’s my money for being half Irish for all the prejudice against immigrants from Ireland earlier? Obviously I do not believe I am entitled to one cent.

    Here’s the real deal. We fought a horrifically bloody and expensive civil war with one of the outcomes being emancipation. All reparations have already been paid for in full with that experience.

    Newsom is a pervert-enabling leftist POS. I will cheer his death (like the baby killer RBG) as an improvement in the human condition.

    1. I’m in a quandary, one quarter of my ancestry is Scottish, one half is English Anglo-Saxon and one quarter is English via French Huguenot refugees. Does my English ancestry owe my Scottish ancestry reparations for repression of the Scotts following the Jacobin rebellion? If so how much? one quarter, one half or three quarters? Truth be told, I probably had ancestors fighting on both sides of that conflict.

      P.S. All my ancestors immigrated to the U.S. after 1865 and were too damn poor to ever own slaves even if it were legal. Many of them worked in Union Pacific’s coal mines in southern Wyoming. Not slaves, but not exactly free to quit and go somewhere else to mine coal. Does UP owe me reparations for the poor wages my family got for 12 hr days in the mines along with the dangers inherent in underground mining?

  6. Payments for lifetime support to the democrat socialist party that steals from one to own the loyalty of the other, but only until the money runs out they they will be controlled by force, jails and executions

  7. “How many people who would qualify for reparations would move to California?

    How many people who would pay into a reparations fund but not get reparations and leave.”

    Logic? Logic? We don’t need no logic. 8>)

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