The letter, which had been circulating in online emergency medicine communities and was written by an Italian anesthesiologist named Luciano Gattinoni, relayed findings from researchers in Germany and Italy who said many patients were presenting with lung conditions not like those typically seen in those suffering from acute respiratory distress.

“[The letter] said we’re doing this wrong,” Scott said. “We should not be intubating everyone like China. We’re looking at a complicated disease that has two different presentations.”

When to use ventilators in COVID-19 cases? Some Miami doctors rethink their approach

What is this about? I hate to use this expression as it has been abused to death, but it would be a game changer.

Instead of automatically putting patients on ventilators, doctors are sometimes trying a method of helping patients breathe that involves placing them on their sides or bellies, and administering oxygen.
And though some prominent doctors have remained skeptical about the approach, saying there isn’t enough evidence that it works, others are trying it.
In the case of his recent patient, Farcy decided to see if new approach would help. He told the patient to lie on his side while receiving oxygen, a posture that changes the way air and blood flows through the lungs. And the patient improved. His blood oxygen — the amount of oxygen present in the bloodstream, an important indicator of health — rose.

The doctors warn that it does not work on everybody, but if confirmed, individuals that can accept it will require a much simple level of care to improve rather than using very invasive process.  All of the sudden a flat horizontal surface and a tank of oxygen is all you need to keep somebody alive.

I do hope this is gets confirmed.

And again, Fuck the Chinese Government.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Trust data from China, right?”
  1. As all engineers know, the challenges we face are often more complex and one solution does NOT fit all – especially when much of the basic data needed has been falsified (or “recorded incorrectly” ).

  2. According to my son, that is what they are doing in NYC. They are proning the patient and placing them on 40 to 60 liters of oxygen per minute by high flow nasal cannula. Intubation and ventilation is a last resort, because most COVID patients who are on a ventilator don’t survive.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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