On Wednesday noon, two people were murdered during a funeral procession escorted by a large group of bikers on the Francisco Fajardo highway, west Caracas. The casualties were a motorist and a biker who was taking part in the procession.

The group of riders blocked the highway to make a pay of “tribute” to the deceased, and all motorists behind the cortege were stuck in traffic.

One of the motorists, Luis Enrique Moleiro Figueroa (62), started to honk his car horn in a sign of protest, asking the bikers to let him pass.

Riders started to harass and rob several drivers. Moleiro was with his two sons; one of them was a retired lieutenant of the Army, Luis Alfredo (42). In the heat of the argument, a biker shot and killed Moleiro instantly.

via Two men killed by bikers in funeral procession in Caracas – Daily News.

Yup, that Gun Control is working so fine in Venezuela.

Here’s an example of the way they pay tribute to the deceased.

And no, authorities can’t do or won’t do a darned thing. Commuters are at the mercy of these idiots.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Two men killed by bikers in funeral procession in Caracas – Daily News”
  1. Dr. Alak was quoted last year when news agencies reported the gun destruction. He told reporters that “we have now reached the figure of 160,531 firearms taken out of circulation.”
    He said at the time that civilian disarmament “is a priority goal for the national state because it is a tool for reducing the level of violence in society.”


    I predict that this country will be a petri dish to watch how violence spreads once the populace is known to be disarmed.
    You think these bikers will just give up their weapons? or the gangs? Hah.

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