Another fresh offshot from the Brady Campaign: Voices Against Violence.

See, you can leave a message to be heard by… I guess somebody important in congress or whatever and I got to think “Well, if the good folks at Brady don’t mind, I will indeed give my opinion about violence.” and I tried, but my browser or something will not comply with the recording thing.

Now, If y’all don’t mind, go ahead and leave a nice message for the folks. Be polite, no need to be using foul language. I would actually recommend you write what you wanna say first, read it out loud several times and then go for the recording itself. If you feel that you are not the speech or literary type, you may want to read a passage of a favorite book or article that expresses your ideas about Gun Control. Quoting the Founding Fathers, Gandhi, the Dalai Lama and other will surely drive them crazy.

Some may want to get creative and play parts of 911 calls where the victim was unarmed or bits from TV where they mention somebody staying alive because they used a gun to defend themselves or even that personal touch of your own experiences.

And yes, they will probably delete our recordings and yes, there will be somebody who will say some stupid shit and they will publicize that recording, but By Jove! We are gonna make them work for it…and who knows? maybe a couple of good recordings will slip by and be the worm in the wax apple.

Get to it!




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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Voices Against Violence: This one can be so much fun if properly used.”
  1. I have always found that when I’m at a loss for words, a good quote from Jeff Cooper does a good job.

  2. So what does their press release say about the WWII vet murdered by “teens” in Spokane? Oh, that’s right, nothing. He was beaten to dead, no icky guns were used.

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